Join Debi Evans and Brian Gerrish for a personal call. But now it's a broader public debate. We consider the Covid 2020/2021 'pandemic', lockdowns, vaccinations, testing, the NHS etc.
What do we hope to accomplish by making our conversations public? We want our viewers and listeners to follow our comments and analysis, and to support this increasingly oppressive, authoritarian and government-coercive approach. We hope that you will learn, understand, see, experience and add your own perspective to what is happening around us in policy. “New normal” world.
Like many people, we feel that something is wrong with the COVID-19 “pandemic” and we need to discuss these concerns.
If you want more details before watching the video, check out the taster of the topics discussed below. Please stop by and find out if any of your hot buttons regarding COVID-19 and life under lockdown have been pressed.
Coronavirus reservations, including virologists warning about the validity and effectiveness of the PCR test itself.
Why test healthy people and ignore sick people? Lateral flow test – France and other countries reject it.
Asymptomatic people who test positive should be retested by a doctor.
Following WHO recommendations would have reduced the number of infections, but the UK government is not paying any attention.
If the government continues to promote ineffective testing, is it intentionally misleading the public? Why would they do that? To amplify fear. But why do they try to scare us?
Your doctor doesn't have the answers and is just stuck in the snow. I asked if the lockup was disproportionate to the virus. He said yes and said he found there were a lot of issues involved. he explained effectively Biderman's Chart Of compulsion.
I worry about general practitioners and junior doctors who have to take orders from administrators with no medical training. The government is preparing for a decline in the number of doctors. What information can I use to challenge my GP?
I'm not anti-vaccine. I'm pro-choice. I don't think vaccines have been tested enough. General practitioners don't know what's in the vaccine.
I also spoke to Boots Pharmacy and wrote about vaccines. If the manufacturer is not responsible, who is?
Will Boots take responsibility? They declined to comment…
General practitioners have always been vulnerable to pharmaceutical salespeople, but now they are truly under the control of the state.
people don't know that NHS Rio Gulag – One unified record per patient. “The future-proof NHS records system now trusted by thousands of healthcare professionals”. If you show signs of not wearing a mask to your doctor or say you're stressed out because of the lockdown, I think that will go on RiO's mental health record. Are we labeled as dissidents or domestic terrorists? In other words, do you have a “mental health” problem because you didn't follow government advice?
I refused the vaccination. Does this mean this denial is now in my medical record?
Notice the little “X” next to NHS—NHSx. Everything is digitized on the NHS Blockchain with help from Google. GCHQ is also involved. However, the moment your personal data enters the database, you are targeted. If the government gets rough with you, they might say, “We'll move you to a safer place.''
The swab and testing regime raises many concerns. Previously, sputum and stool tests were performed. There's no way around it, and we're making a donation, so why do such an invasive test? It's not just about removing DNA from the body. What else is going on in this very delicate nasopharyngeal area?
After the throat, the throat swab was reinserted into the nose, which is cross-contamination.
Dr. James GiordanoA professor of neurology and biochemistry lectures on the brain as the battlefield of the future. he's intimidating. he says: “Don't clap now, clap later, because if you don't feel like you need to use the bathroom after I preach, my job isn't done.”
He's talking about a stroke agent that can be placed in the nasopharynx. He has been involved in head and body transplants. It's very scary.
So why test healthy people? Why use such an invasive test? I don't know, but I don't like it.
Google is embedded at the heart of the NHS, and our security services also manage data. Two additional vaccines interfere with DNA. No one is providing information to the public about what they are actually doing with their DNA.
Without our consent, we were forced to participate in global clinical trials of vaccines. Nasal vaccines are extremely dangerous for children. Do vaccines change us, change our DNA?They are not highly effective and the risks are unknown, yet they are being administered to the elderly and vulnerable.
Right now, we are disrupting normal human interactions with masks and “social” distancing. Are they going to destroy the relationship between children and parents?
In 2010, a British column called on French actions such as neuropsychology expert Oliver Huillier to plan how applied psychology could be used to enforce government and EU political policy. It was revealed that experts and the British government were holding meetings behind closed doors.
Who are the experts and what is their true psychology? Should we believe them? Do you trust them? This is because many people have “Dark Triad” personalities. Our leaders seem to have all the traits of the Dark Triad in abundance.
We are in Biblical times.
It is becoming increasingly clear that psychologists are becoming aware of these issues and are deeply concerned about the political use of psychology. In contrast, the July 2020 issue of Psychologist magazine touted “The new normal and beyond.” Society is about to change. And they happily accept that life is changing and we need to “cross the rainbow to a new world.”
This time, we will consider “rewards and punishments in game theory”. This was on Dominic Cummings' blog.
There are many psychologists who fail in their duty of care to protect us from people who would harm us.
All the plans are out there and then you start looking for the real agenda. just take it Spurs Pandemic 2025-2028showing the entire plan by month. Edited by John Hopkins University. They wrote a monthly plan. When you look at it, you will see that everything that is happening now is in that plan.
Combined with the SAGE minutes, I think the new Covid-21 outbreak in March will give us a break before the next Covid-21.
It increases the fear factor for children and expectant mothers. This is child abuse. Don't lock children up in a circle or hug their grandparents or friends. If I had done that, I would have been placed in child protection. That's evil.
SPARS Pandemic Document Introduction “Effective communication regarding medical preparedness…must be planned and prepared for the opportunity to construct a hypothetical emergency storyline.” The focus is on the “story” and how to tell it. It is available for sale to the public.
The pandemic has been named coronavirus and it is not going to end anytime soon. The IMF is conducting coronavirus exercises until 2024, which will be a long time coming. Boris Johnson says he cannot say when he will come out.
Finally, what can we say to people?
Try it wherever you can. Talk to people and point out factual information wherever you can.
Be courageous, be resolute, and question everything.
… Why do we need a vaccine for a disease that 99.7% of people get better from?
…Why test healthy people and ignore sick people?