For self-explanatory reasons, we publish the following anonymously.
It is deeply embarrassing to me to be working for what is essentially the propaganda arm of our government.
I have worked as a journalist for newspapers across the UK for 25 years and I feel that the industry I work for has badly let the public down during this so-called pandemic.
In keeping with my position as a traditional media journalist, I will refrain from revealing where I work, who I work for or who I am, but I will share these thoughts with UK Column readers in the hopes of helping them understand how, how and why my industry has gone so wrong.
Last year I was deeply troubled by what was going on and would willingly leave the industry if I had to make a decent salary and provide for my family, but as a result I feel like my soul is dying.
Newspapers, the old-fashioned media I once held in high esteem, have been revealed to be giant echo chambers imploring their readers every day for stricter lockdowns, more social distancing, more frequent mask-wearing, and above all, to get vaccinated as soon as possible.
Despite this relentless message of compliance, every newspaper I work for has Yellow Card System So far, there have been over 1,000 deaths shortly after receiving the vaccine, and because the government's own website says only 10% of vaccine injuries are recorded, the death toll will exceed 10,000 and continue to rise.
But then there are columnists bragging about getting vaccinated and relentless fear-mongering editorials that read like they were written by Chris Whitty himself.
I am tired of all this, and so are several of my colleagues who share the same concerns as me, but we are powerless to do anything, and management is either too scared or too programmed by the propaganda to allow more than the occasional snippet of a different story to emerge.
Wartime delusions
The only explanation I can think of, being the only one among my colleagues willing to argue on the news pages, is that many of them believe it is their responsibility to save lives in times of crisis, as if we were at war, and that challenging the official line will only result in more deaths.
Ironically, their ignorance, cowardice and/or lack of journalistic integrity, likely born out of fear of the virus and fear of what others will think of them, is costing the lives of thousands of the most vulnerable in our society, causing a rapid loss of our freedoms, and it is leaving our children on the brink of having to be vaccinated. Without giving parents enough information.
It is our duty to tell both sides of the story fairly, but we have sorely failed in that mission that we feel there has been criminal negligence on the part of those at the top of our industry. They must be held accountable for the distorted narrative we have been telling for over a year.
I have had many sleepless nights thinking about the horrific events taking place in hospitals and care homes, and more recently as a result of the vaccination and Covid-19 measures that we in the newspaper industry are turning a blind eye to or downplaying, and the devastating terror programming we are taking part in towards children which is just as cruel and criminal.
I must also add that it has become common practice to describe everything bad that happens in society as “COVID-19-related”. No! It is because of the severe restrictions that our economy has been devastated. These restrictions We are letting elderly people die alone and in despair in hospitals and care homes, not because of Covid but because of the restrictions that have been imposed.
The role of the media in creating a society filled with hate
Through ignorance and a desire to make things seem as bad as possible (in the mistaken belief that this would save lives), we fanned the flames of fear and helped create the society that government psychologists wanted, where non-compliance was subject to social censure. In fact, it has gone much further than that, where non-compliance is intensely disliked by many who do.
Many of the reader comments on the article were extreme, to the point of hoping that those breaking the restrictions would “catch the virus and die.” These comments are disgusting to read and show that much of the public has been deeply programmed by the fear propaganda and psychological manipulation that we in the media perpetuate on behalf of our government.
Very few journalists think the same way I do. None of the managers I work with speak up or understand that the government is not working in our interest. Or are they motivated to continue with official reporting for the paycheck?
As someone who was relatively proud of being a journalist, I became deeply disgusted by my profession, the cowardice and ignorance of some of my colleagues, and the blatant propaganda published in the newspaper where I worked.
I want to emphasize that there are more good people in my industry than bad, but they are ignorant of stories outside the traditional media bubble, and this is a dereliction of duty on their part.
The C-word is also a problem: conspiracy. Just hearing it would send most journalists climbing the walls in anger and fear, triggering the maximum amount of cognitive dissonance necessary to block out any information that might suggest a conspiracy might be occurring, especially since this conspiracy is so large-scale.
Like most people, I experienced an adrenaline rush of fear when news broke of the new coronavirus and people dying in the streets of Wuhan, reports that were now proven to be fake news.
Paying the price
But by seeking out content from top medical experts, we quickly discovered what was really going on: because most of the traffic to our website comes from Facebook and Twitter, that content was being ruthlessly censored by the tech giants on which our newspaper relies.
The majority of my colleagues have not done this research and continue to be under the impression that we are now in the middle of a deadly pandemic. One may wonder how they can be so ignorant. The answer is simple: they form their beliefs from the very newspapers that sell fear and propaganda.
Our newspapers have become like salesmen, desperately chasing anyone who wants to be vaccinated, which is a really strange role we are playing. Add to this the fact that we do not allow any meaningful counterarguments to mass vaccination and lockdowns, and it is clear that we are not fulfilling our role as journalists.
Indeed, for the past few years, our newspapers have been filled with centrally produced content emphasizing the message that we all must take precautions in everything.
We are a PR agency for Big Pharma. That's it. It's really depressing. It's brought me to tears many times over the past year because our propaganda has caused so much suffering.
Journalists are nothing less than a reflection of the people they are meant to serve. And perhaps that is why those who dare to challenge established “truths” are Asymptomatic spread of infection, Vaccine effectivenessand the Effectiveness of PCR testing You will be attacked by people in your industry.
Recently, I asked a reporter who works for another company and regularly covers the coronavirus what he knew about PCR tests, and Medical experts around the world have condemned it as not fit for purpose..
This reporter, one of the best and most in-depth news reporters I know, had no idea what I was talking about. There is no other explanation for this than global censorship.
That censorship, which many of my colleagues are blissfully unaware of (or believe is only intended to remove hate speech), is helping governments around the world impose these devastating coercions without resistance from their citizens.
Pity the people
Although I may sound angry in this report, my strongest feeling is one of sadness that we have so badly let our people down.
Most of my colleagues base their opinions on what they are hearing from traditional media and fact-checkers (I use this term as loosely as possible), and thousands of physicians around the world Group formed He pointed out that the official explanation had serious flaws.
When I raised concerns with management about the propaganda we were spreading, I was labeled a conspiracy theorist who denies the existence of the virus.
How wrong they are. I'm a realist, not a theorist, but I do believe that there is a virus that is causing an influenza-like disease that has not killed more people in this country in recent years, age-adjusted to account for the aging of our population, than it has in most years since 2000.
I don't want to sound like I'm downplaying the disease, which appears to be having long-term devastating effects for many, but the excess deaths are not at a level that justifies lockdowns or mass vaccinations, especially as we see the examples of many countries and US states struggling. No lockdown would make the problem worse.
The cumulative seasonal death tolls trumpeted in front-page headlines are highly misleading and do not take into account the vast number of misdiagnoses.
No other reporters have asked health officials about this issue. Unreliability of PCR testsThe lack of knowledge of my colleagues is extremely frustrating and once again I have no choice but to blame censorship, as the people I work with are excellent journalists who want to be accurate and fair.
Zombie writing creates zombie readers
The tone of the articles is another issue I want to address. It is important for news articles to be balanced and not opinionated, yet so much of our coronavirus coverage is full of examples of what you must comply with or what will happen to you.
I've had close family members advocate for me to seek mental health treatment because they question my statements about COVID-19, I've lost some friends because of my opinions, and I fear this kind of closed-mindedness is pervasive in the world of journalism.
This is a “pandemic” that cannot be questioned by traditional media, and I urge readers, if they have not already done so, to stop consuming coronavirus-related content from this fading industry.
Manipulation and outright lies fill the newspaper columns, and there is a lack of critical thinking and the journalistic skills to follow the money and question who benefits.Who benefits?) When it comes to the vaccine rollout, it's been all but nonexistent.
I am still in this industry and fully accept that I may receive scorn and hate because I am paid by this PR corps that I work for.
I will continue to work to change opinion from within, and hope that the public will no longer turn to our newspapers for the truth.
Finally, in the hope that any editors in traditional media are reading this, I would like to say this: Please, please, please, DebatableDon't let censorship creep into your titles, and here's a message to your fellow reporters: don't fall prey to cowardly self-censorship to protect your own reputation.
As restrictions tighten and freedoms are eroded to levels once unimaginable, there is too much at stake to silence the debate. Families are being ripped apart and my industry bears the responsibility for that.