A happily married family man with four children, Dr David Kirtland MBChB MRCGP is a fully qualified medical doctor and general practitioner. His first-class degree in biomedical sciences included one year of specialized training in immunology and microbiology/virology, including statistical analysis. This latter expertise is particularly relevant and valuable to Dr Kirtland in that he is able to expertly assess the vast amount of government, NHS, MHRA, commercial medicine and ONS data on COVID-19. . Side effects of the new coronavirus infection vaccinepublished since the declaration of the Covid-19 pandemic in the UK.
Between his two degrees, Dr Kirtland spent a year working in the Angiogenesis Research Group at the University of Birmingham and is a published author on angiogenesis research.
After 10 years of training and 14 years of enjoyable specialist practice as a highly respected general practitioner, what made Dr David Kirtland feel he could no longer work in the NHS? was so strong that in early February 2022, he made the very difficult decision to resign as a doctor.
The answer to this important question is children and vaccines. Dr Kirtland has himself been vaccinated twice, but official medical and pharmaceutical statistics show that such vaccinations are not necessary, and a significant number of children are receiving the NHS coronavirus vaccine. I felt that I could no longer remain silently watching this situation. If so, it is harmful.
Even if vaccinating children is a last resort, Dr Kirtland has already witnessed and experienced the events and situations that have occurred in the NHS and care system during the coronavirus crisis. That was making him very uncomfortable. Such events include the apparent discrepancy between the claimed “pandemic” hospitalization numbers and the numbers he observed, the overall treatment and medical failure of patients diagnosed with COVID-19; It involved a deeply disturbing and forced path to death. With increasingly stringent NHS medical and 'care' policies for people diagnosed with Covid-19, putting ever-increasing pressure on clinical teams, including doctors, nurses and care staff. The situation got even worse.
This harsh NHS management style has not only refused to accommodate alternative and specialist medical approaches, but also ensured that the official NHS Covid-19 treatment program did not reflect reality or reap the benefits. He refused to admit that there is no such thing even when COVID-19 infection and medical statistics show that there is no such thing. Available Covid-19 medical data.
There is a very worrying contrast between the imposed NHS health policy regarding the treatment of Covid-19 and the actual vaccine, and the reality of patient reception in NHS accident and emergency units, hospital wards and GP practices. The gap became increasingly obvious and unacceptable to Dr. Kirtland, a physician. Experienced medical professionals across all these specialties. His analysis and ability to challenge official data is greatly aided by his previous professional training in immunology and microbiology/virology, particularly in statistical analysis, an area of expertise not available to the average general practitioner. I did.
Alongside NHS policy and the treatment of children with Covid-19, the disturbing reactions and increasingly bizarre behavior of experienced NHS doctors and managers were central to David Cartland's decision to resign. It became an element. When he presented official Government and NHS statistics that challenged the Government and NHS's Covid-19 and vaccination claims, they refused to engage in careful professional debate. Despite data showing that the NHS and health policy were wrong and likely harming patients, NHS colleagues and managers turned their backs and refused to get involved.
When pressed to admit the facts and respond to the official documents in his possession, Dr. Kirtland faced aggressive and sometimes volatile negativity from colleagues (some of whom he considered trusted friends). experienced both emotional reactions. These reactions are increasingly likely to be accompanied by personal attacks designed to ridicule and undermine his professional understanding of COVID-19 data.
There is no doubt that it took a great deal of courage for Dr. David Kirtland to leave the profession he loved for so many years. We should also recognize that he did so in order to uphold his professional oath to do his best to care for his patients and, no doubt, to do no harm to patients under forced NHS policy. be.
Watch UK Column's video interview with Dr. David Cartland. He shared his observations about Covid-19 and vaccinations in the NHS and GP system, which led to his resignation from an NHS and wider health system that appeared to be increasingly flawed and harmful. Talk about your experiences. .
If David's personal and professional testimonies have an impact on you as a viewer or as a listener, as I am sure, then please let others know and support David Cartland and the rest of the NHS. Please share this interview as widely as possible to support our doctors. And the nursing staff who feel the same way as him. Every man and woman, every adult family member and of course every parent should know what is actually happening in the NHS and GP healthcare system under the government's imposed Covid-19 and vaccination policies. We certainly need to understand if there are any.
His Twitter page can be found here.