Dr. Judith Brown's experience in Lebanon has taught her that mainstream media news cannot be trusted. The mainstream media tells the public the story that those in power want them to know. They don't tell the truth. To Power.
Aware of the limitations of media honesty and with extensive medical knowledge as a nurse, Brown identified counterfactual propaganda surrounding the COVID-19 crisis. She waited for medical experts to speak out against the alarmist narrative, only to find that the few courageous and well-qualified critical voices were silenced, censored, or suppressed. Intrigued, she began researching the mechanisms of information control: fact-checkers.
She discovered a vast, secretive, and extremely well-funded network that controls speech in both social and mainstream media, with fact-checkers as censorship mechanisms, a means to stifle debate and pathologize intellectual inquiry.
One of the most egregious examples of fact-checkers' falsehoods is their response to those hurt (or bereaved) by this incident. Side effects of the COVID-19 vaccineThere is no doubt that the damage was real, but the fact-checkers and the social media networks that oversee their work shut these people out. Their testimonies were true, but not accepted. All this under the false banner of fact-checking.Gleichschaltung) and public protection (For your safety).
When criticized for errors or bias, fact-checkers often dismiss their statements as false, like the ratings agencies after the subprime mortgage crisis. Just an opinion therefore Protected by lawOf course, It is advertised as opinion Only once has it been proven demonstrably wrong. At that point, “fact checking” became a new Defending democratic values and Western civilization Against The harmful effects of misinformation—That much longer haughty position can be maintained.
The funding of this network, and the inescapable truism that “he who pays the money sets the tune”, means that truth is not on the agenda. What is followed is the official story, no matter how obviously false. The result is that the entire public debate is controlled, both in the political sphere and in the public square. Arrogance prevails as the ignorant, the compromised and the complicit define the new truth. “Fact” no longer means “corresponding to reality” but “corresponding to official norms”.
Judith Brown feels that this is extremely destructive to society and that it needs to be fought and defeated here and now for the sake of future generations.