Roger Meacock BVSc MRCVS has been at the forefront of quantum veterinary medicine in the UK for the past 25 years and has been dubbed “the last chance vet”. Meacock always goes the extra mile, seeing animals who are too sick to be treated with existing medical treatments. In this interview he talks about the amazing treatments he uses. You can contact him at his practice: Natural Healing SolutionsAs he explains, he travels to horses because it's not easy to transport sick horses hundreds of miles, and it's not just animals he treats, but people too.
After Meacock's first interview, Barking friendly veterinarianwhere he expressed his concerns about mRNA technology in both humans and animals, the UK column received numerous requests to invite him back. Roger Meacock is one of the few consultant veterinarians in the UK who has the courage to speak out. Humans are not the only ones living in uncertain times, animals are too. What does the future hold for all animals, big and small? For many of us, animals are family. We love them and want the best for each and every one of them. Many vulnerable people or those who live alone depend on their pets for companionship and affection. Without beloved domestic animals of all shapes and sizes, life would be unbearable for many.
The interview will consider the following:
- Are microchips safe for animals?
- How does COVID-19 affect animals and are they at risk from humans?
- How important small animal vaccines are and what risk/benefit analysis we can do for our animals.
As distribution and shipping delays worsen, many are stockpiling pet food in preparation for shortages. But what happens when packaged pet food runs out? Road kill? What is “raw food”? Should we rely on global corporations to manufacture “pet food” at all? Maybe there's more to this proverb. Give the dog a bone After all, who hasn't seen stray dogs and cats rushing into a pet store for dinner? But are dogs the only ones who benefit from eating bones?
Finally, we will discuss how pets fit into or should be excluded from a city within a 15 minute radius. You own nothingWe were told: “Does this include family pets? What will be the future of your local vet if they are no longer here? Will there be any animals left for them to treat?”
Roger Meacock has kindly agreed to our third interview, this time focusing on farm animals and livestock. Big Pharma, Small FarmersIf our viewers have any questions about any of the topics we've covered previously or any new topics, please let us know in the UK Column and we'll make sure to include it in the next issue.
More of Roger Meacock's work can be found at: exceed the limit.