The UK Column first ran an article about Bradbury Pond in 2012. Bankers, Bradbury and Massacres on the Western FrontIn this detailed piece, Justin Walker provides the background to the Bradbury Pound, a British monetary innovation during the First World War, and the significance of its creation and circulation.
Now, 12 years later, in this fascinating interview with Justin, we revisit the story and update our understanding of the Bradbury and its importance. From the mysterious phone call to “find out” Bradbury, to Justin's investigation into holding the real Bradbury “bank” note, Brian Gerrish and Justin Walker recount the journey. The resulting discussion exposes the fraud and dangers of the existing currency issuing system and the corrupt and controlled international banking system that most economists simply ignore. The Bradbury Pound alone is no silver bullet against monetary and economic fraud, but it makes clear that we don't need to be controlled by unelected, unaccountable bankers who create money out of thin air.
Please join us in this important and enlightening discussion.
Previous UK column articles and videos about Bradbury Pond include:
Bradbury Pound: aka QE?
The alarm bells should be sounding—Glass-Steagall and Bradbury Pond are here now!
(Also, search the UK Column for the term “Bradbury”.)