Brian Gerrish and Debi Evans once again light the fuse as they continue their journey to discover who Charles III thought he was, how much power the monarch has, and where he plans to take the world.
While many are watching the machinations of the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization and the United Nations, etcThere is another big organization that many people may overlook: FederalA vast geographical and economic powerhouse of 56 member states and home to 2.5 billion people, two-thirds of whom are young. The Green King sees his federal empire working for a common agenda towards prosperity, democracy and peace.The Federation's Extraordinary PotentialBut what will that “possibility” be in 2024? Super Federation Is it in plain sight?
Brian and Debi dig a little deeper to reveal how King Charles is forging a new federal state and its powerful youth army acting as a global change agent striving to realise his worldview and spirituality. In fact, the arrogant Greene King Savior of the WorldThere is a winged angel on top of a pile of skulls.
In the next episode There's no smoke without fire – Greene KingDebi and Brian explore the people surrounding the King: his friends, family and advisors.