Brian Gerrish is delighted to welcome Heritage Party's South West Devon parliamentary candidate Darryl Ingram to the UK Column Studio to learn why he is standing for election. He will be joined by Madeline Hunt, general secretary of the Heritage Party (previously interviewed in the UK column).
Heritage Party leader David Curtain was also interviewed by the British column.
Darryl was quick to state that when he saw trees being cut down in Plymouth, he finally realized he had to stand up to be counted. To Darryl and many like-minded people, this was a desecration of much-needed greenery in an increasingly dilapidated cityscape. Local residents were surprised and angered when local authorities took destructive action in the middle of the night.
A few trees may seem like a small thing to some, but for Darryl, it's a final reflection of what he's observed across Britain as a country is slowly, steadily and deliberately destroyed. It was the straw. He described the massacre as Marxist in nature and said he joined the Heritage Party because of the party's determination to protect the national heritage and restore the nation. His personal concerns stemmed from witnessing the dangers of an extreme socialist state in Poland as a young woman, and later witnessing the emergence of a similar political beast in the guise of the Lib-Lab-Con party in Britain. This is further strengthened by the valuable experience of Madeline Hunt. .
See also: fight against the real enemy Symposium
Darryl's election bid and the Heritage Party's efforts to challenge the political monopoly of Live Lab Con, backed by millions of pounds and an electoral system deliberately biased against small parties and independents. Please join the conversation about. candidates.