they will come for you eventually
as prokofiev As fans will attest, not all warnings are the same. For example, if you heed the government's warnings, you are likely to suffer badly, so it is noteworthy that the government did not issue any warnings on this issue. Online Safety Act of 2023 (OSA). Of course the opposite is true. Ministers claimed that we would all be somehow “safer” as a result. This was a lie then, and it's definitely a lie now.
The independent media bin lid caused a terrible cacophony before it received royal assent. The UK Column documents the entire timeline. censored section. Several events over the past few weeks illustrate exactly what all the fuss is about, some of which I have summarized as follows. telegram Recent posts.
Cheshire Police recently announced the arrest of a woman for offenses under section 19 of the Public Order Act 1986 and section 179 of the OSA Act 2023. He then tweeted:
This is a stark reminder of the dangers of posting information on social media platforms without checking its accuracy. It also serves as a warning that we are all responsible for our actions, whether online or in person.
This appears to be related to widespread speculation about the name and religion of the suspect in the Southport stabbing.
It is important to point out that a woman is said to have made the comments. About I didn't guess it myself, it's a guess. In fact, this is completely important, and OSA 2023 does not contain any provision prohibiting such reporting. Nevertheless, police appear to be labeling her as someone who deliberately made something into “fact” or “news” “without checking its accuracy.” Section 179 of OSA 2023 states that a person commits a crime if the message sent “conveys information known to the person.” I know “Being false” and “that person” intended The law adds that “for purposes of subsection (1)(c), it is not necessary that the message or the information cause serious mental or physical harm to the viewer.'' We are expanding the goalposts. Because it's “someone who intends to harm someone (or everyone) in particular,” we quickly enter the realm of imagined harm rather than actual or intentional harm. This is a police specialty in the 2020s.
Law can be very boring, but every now and then you come across a law that blows your socks off. Article 180 OSA 2023 is one of them. It states:Recognized news publishers cannot commit an offense under section 179“I put it in bold and I think the government should too. You really read it right. For example, the BBC (a 'recognized news publisher') You might send a message like this: know be false, a specific intention Causing “serious psychological harm.” In other words, state-sponsored propaganda will be legislated by OSA 2023.
If you doubt that the government will not resort to intimidation, recall the minutes of a meeting. sage At the March 2020 meeting, methods were planned to increase the “level of personal threat.”