In the year Bongo's Bingo celebrates his 10th birthday, Jonny Bongo and the team will start a new podcast.
Bongo bungalows are behind the scenes, trying to understand the shape of Bongo bingo, what is happening behind the scenes, as well as the British pop culture, weekly anecdote, this crazy. It will be an Odyssey with no lid, covered with hold. -Shift the world!
Johnny, a co -founder, is one of the original hosts, one of the first dancers, and Slutty Susie (also known as Cole Frazer). They know the bongo bingo, and the turnover of each other.
The Trio will hold a main episode and every Friday bonus show every Tuesday, and invites the listener to participate in Bongo's Bungalow's crazy world, celebrating the 10th anniversary of March.
Johnny Bongo states: “I am very excited to launch a bungalow in February. I always wanted to do podcasts. Especially, it continues from the streaming during the people's pandemic. This is. As we approach our 10th birthday, it feels like a perfect time to launch.
Jim, call, and I have a bingo bingo tick, the story of the method we started, and the reason why our weekly Exploit is mixed with viewers, weekly functions, and bonuses. Dig deep. It will definitely be a class, and we are very excited to lead the bongo bingo to a new audience. “
Bongo's Bungalow, produced by the repeated team, will be released on Tuesday, February 4, and will be announced on Friday, February 7, and will be held every week. Find in Apple PodCasts and watch a complete episode of Spotify or YouTube.