Viewers are encouraged to watch part 1 of this interview before watching this latest episode.
In part 1, we heard from a brave mother, a brave mother who was eager to tell and tell the story of her baby. They were snatched by the powerful and secret child stolen system of the British Star Chamber of Commerce Family Court. Even if they want to tell her the truth about what happened to her and her children within the family court system, she is threatened and monkeyed, and this mother must remain anonymous to leave prison. yeah. Deprived of her children, she is now stripped of her identity and personality and has to report issues and facts outside of the harsh and secret court reporting restrictions.
In part 2, mothers dig deeper into the mechanisms of the family court system and the well-paid experts to feed the suffering of all the children taken away.
The mother takes a great risk to warn the public that her children are not safe from the state child protection system, and she deserves to hear. We can't name her, show her face, name her child, show her photos of them. In addition to the tenacious battle with the family court system of a secret star ward buried within the UK's apparently corrupt and wider legal system, this extremely brave mother has given the baby's emotional and physical memories. I'm sharing it. These two small lives were snatched by their beloved parents and given to unknown strangers.
Some people find it difficult to hear the truths and facts exposed in these cases. I tell viewers and listeners that you all have an obligation to watch, listen and share the content. Because unless the state-made child smoking crime is exposed and stopped, UK families are not safe.