Journey Sur Time is a new podcast from Goalhanger, which has been overlooked, forgotten, and explores a vast aspect of history.
These are new angles of events that we thought we knew, from hidden stories to new angles.
Co-hosted by British Nigerian historian and BAFTA-winning film director David Orsoga and American cultural and literary historian Sarah Churchwell by the chairman of the Public Humanities at the University of London, the show looks at the past from scratch.
David Orsoga said: We want to show you what it felt to survive it.
“Like the program I made on television, this show reveals the kind of history that didn't happen in Congress or in palaces.
“What Sarah and I are trying to do is explore how political decisions, new technologies, random chaos from the past unfolded on the streets, in the houses, or on the battlefield.”
Sarachurchwell adds:
“Our goal is to challenge familiar stories and uncover the incredible truths behind what you think you know. It is to understand history not only as something we study, but as a force that shaped our world.”
David and Sarah combine storytelling with historical insights to bring their clear perspective to stories that challenge what they think they know about the past.
They reveal the human experiences behind both famous and forgotten events, and reveal the choices, struggles and ambitions that have changed history in ways that continue to echo today.
In the first two episodes, David and Sarah explored the terrorist attacks that rocked America, leading to the creation of a new national security agency, and helped push the United States into war. But that's not 9/11.
They reveal the story of the 1916 Black Tom Island explosion. This is a devastating explosion that shook Manhattan and helped pave the way for America's modern security state.
Future episodes include the story of Victoria Woodhull, the first woman to run for president in the United States in 1872. It tracks the path of the 1703 storm, the most violent weather event ever recorded in the UK. And follow the scandalous murder of architect Stanford White, a crime that exposed the dark side of America's golden age.
David and Sarah also revisit the big exhibition of 1851. There, the UK will showcase its industrial capabilities and uncertainties. We explore the true story of Bass Reeves, a once enslaved man who became one of the most legendary American ex-s in the American West. And we read two women who revealed the lives of Anne Bonnie and Mary Reid and rebelled against the British Empire in order to become pirates of the Caribbean.
A time trip that starts on Thursday, March 20th.