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Browsing: Education
Democracy Lost: Propaganda, Adversarial Attacks, and the Campaign Against Professor David Miller
On 1 October 2021, the University of Bristol bowed to almost three years of pro-Israel lobbying and decided to sack…
According to law, child protection is everyone's responsibility. There are the police, social services, child protection teams, child protection boards,…
Like many of you, I was very concerned about Melanie's safety and wellbeing, but it was a great relief to…
It's amazing how often ordinary people who have been the victims of shocking injustice turn to poetry to express themselves.…
The prison treatment of a Nottinghamshire child abuse whistleblower has once again resembled something out of a Solzhenitsyn novel -…
The benefits associated with the 1960s post-11 education system do not transfer to the current educational and social environment. The…
Ms Smith v UK Supreme Court provides the answer.The recent decision of the UK Supreme Court in the case of…
In July 2013, Mike Russell, then Secretary of State for Education and Lifelong Learning in the Scottish Government, speech New…
The government is pressing ahead with efforts to turn all state schools in England into academies run on a business…
Teachers reflect on the current state of teacher training and recruitment in England in has been Confirmed This month…