We must keep asking what is this unhealthy and alarming obsession that the power elite has with sex and children?
Is high-level pedophilia spreading fast enough around the world that it should be a government/national policy?
Young children are not interested in sex, but where does this obsession to make them sexually conscious at such a young age come from?
This is the result of the planned implementation below.
Every child matters/Changing children, the role of teachers in changing contexts, global dimensions in school curriculum, global citizenship, the United Nations, the European Union and the upcoming One World Order. Last but not least is sex education from UNESCO via the pipeline mentioned above. Equality and diversity, and the processes by which these changes are realized.
What is UNESCO? Involvement in children's sex educationthat the vile perversion of our children comes from a single source and is being implemented in every country around the world through Every Child Matters (ECM)/Change For Children/Equality and Diversity training. The situation is becoming increasingly clear and it is truly global. In the United States, “No Child Left Behind” was the predecessor of ECM and was used as a campaign tool in the Obama election program.
Every time a child sadly and cruelly dies in tragic circumstances, new policies are introduced. Oddly enough, these policies are already in place and ready to be implemented, just like the scanners at the airport are ready to order.
There are too many “problem-reaction-solution” events to sit comfortably.
For today's “corporate children” any children's affairs are very lucrative. Money changes people's hands in every situation. Fingerprinting, vein recognition, controlled vaccinations, DNA, virtually every student's data is stored and shared with other schools, businesses, universities, and ultimately a universal database that contains everything about everyone. That's it.
Children are precious, but to the coming New World Order and its corporate interests, they are just statistics. Parliamentarians, courts, feudal lords, lawyers, education, police, social welfare, and the people involved are so intertwined with financial aspects and goals that those in power will be willing to pay for children and families if the price is just. Let go of any shred of conscience, regardless of the repercussions. Because they don't really matter. The word “CARE” now has a meaning that is exactly the opposite of its original meaning. (Career advantage, pay equity?) It is not easy to distinguish where private and public partnerships begin and end.
Reconstructing children into global citizenship and accusing neighbors of “national or environmental crimes” under the guise of street surveillance and volunteering in community and action groups for the benefit of the “broader community.” Encourage them to report on their parents. These groups have incorporated a movement to label everyone as a global citizen, ensuring that all inalienable rights will eventually be stripped away, and that “change” is actually about freedom. is insidiously engineered against all human rights and is sadly easily accepted by the “ignorant masses” (an alleged term). to Adolf Hitler).
The complex mindset of guilt that forces “generous donations” to charities. Some of it is parasitic in nature, allowing those who manage charities to bask in sun-drenched luxury and track their investments. Children are made to believe that they are helping the less fortunate, when in reality the poor remain poor and the rich get richer. Children are being socially brainwashed by the state and forced to escape the loving trust of the family unit.
The word CITIZEN has gradually spread to each country over many years. The Citizenship Foundation website explains the term citizenship as follows:
…Rights and responsibilities defined by law (or directives), such as the right to vote, tax obligations, general forms of behavior, etc.…This includes all forms of education at home, in youth activities, in training organizations, in the workplace, etc. And in the curriculum…
We need to realize what the underlying definition of the above statement actually means and its implications for birth registration, which makes each human being a slave to a corporate system. From the moment we are born, we are programmed by our parents, who have instilled in us a system of bondage that lasts for decades without recognizing the real facts.
The original purpose of birth registration was for tax purposes and to enable the military value of the person to be exploited. Compulsory registration of births is a practice that began in England and Wales in 1837. In effect, once a child is registered, that registration belongs to the state, and parents may be generously allowed to “care for their children.”
The “plan” or “counting every child” is actually just that: a plan to identify every child in the world. Plan works with UN agencies such as UNICEF on birth registration issues. Plan Europe has submitted a parliamentary question to the European Commission about including universal birth registration in its policies, so it seems likely that all children will soon be registered in one universal database.
By 2015, every child in the world will be identified and 'visited' for vaccination at least four times a yearAccording to WHOanother highly lucrative program for the World Health Organization and its pharmaceutical partners.
Children in Kabul are currently being identified for registration. They are also being given the new oral polio vaccine, which is administered by door-to-door health visitors. The World Health Organization has announced that more than 85 million children under the age of five in West and Central Africa will be vaccinated against polio. (Source: CTV Health). To ensure that no business entity is overlooked, mobile registration units have been set up to monitor every nook and corner of South and Southeast Asia. We should really hope that new vaccines have been properly tested and do not contain harmful additives.
World organizations such as the United Nations, UNESCO, and the World Bank provide funding for education timeframes that support the understanding that every child matters, change for children, global vaccination and birth registration, and data retention. , and would have us believe that the 2008-2015 global transformation program was important. To protect children and “make history of poverty.” So why does this identification and control by faceless tax collectors who redistribute our wealth at their whims not feel like the words and work of a benevolent guardian?