An investigation into abuse, racism, pornographic videos, abuse of trust and neglect at the University of Oxford and Cherwell Valley College has now been reopened following revelations by the UK Column. However, the victims remain concerned that the same people who did not protect them in the first place will again lead the investigation, leading to a cover-up.
Daniel Arnold, pictured below with a letter of support from MP Andrew Smith, is one of the brave victims determined to help other victims and bring their perpetrators to justice. It's just that.
Daniel Arnold
His personal story is particularly harrowing, with abuse at university leading him to self-harm. Finally seeking help, he slashed the tires of his abuser's car, was arrested by police and sentenced at Oxford Youth Court. Danny claims his abuse was never investigated to explain his desperate actions. He also revealed that the Oxford Mail had incorrectly reported the nature and location of his arrest, giving a false impression of police action against knife crime.
Within days of publication, UK Column received a call from OCVC spokeswoman Anne Wilstead who declared that everything published was false and threatened to take “action” if the article was not removed from the UK Column website. claimed to have done so. Her call echoed reports from students that individuals who tried to report and expose abuse on campus were typically “admonished,” repressed, or victimized.

Anne Wilstead
In a 9:30 a.m. phone call on December 5, 2011, Ms Wilstead said:
Everything contained in that article (the UK Column's report on OCVC) is a complete fabrication and I would like it to be removed immediately… I therefore recommend that action be taken.
Apart from her threat to 'take action', Ms Wilstead was very keen to find the source of the British column. She also questioned whether our evidence was “approved by the police”. The latter comment was interesting and important. Why on earth should the police approve the evidence held by the British column? And which police? There is already a close relationship between Thames Valley Police and university officials, suggesting an unhealthy common purpose.
It is understood staff have been banned from accessing the UK Column website and an emergency meeting has been called by university president Sally Dicketts. The discussion also apparently included John Gibber, whose name has been linked to a number of student abuse and breach of duty accusations.
Ms Wilstead's claim that the UK column's article was a “total fabrication” comes after the Oxford Mail reported on February 11, 2010, that an OCVC university teacher had been suspended for showing pornography to students. It's completely false. Ms Wilstead reportedly said privately that she could not comment further as the accusations were (even at the time) two months old and the investigation was ongoing.
Victims of abuse at the university have given detailed statements showing that the abuse was not only widespread and far more despicable than this single incident, but also within the purview of the Oxford Child Protection Committee. The investigation by OCVC, police and Oxford County Council has been described as haphazard. .
The so-called investigation report by Ray Tregear, believed to be an agent of Taunton education consultants FE Associates, was never disclosed to the victims, and it appears they were never made aware of the findings. Tregear even declined to identify himself as an FEA agent, saying, “This is personal information and I don't want to disclose it.”

Ray Tregear, FE Associates
FE Associates was reluctant to discuss Mr. Tregear or his report. When asked about his role, their junior employees said Tregear “worked for them in a way.” The FEA appears to have charged a total of £5,175 for the report, but Director General Judith Richardson declined to answer direct questions.
Victims, including young boys and girls, have made harrowing verbal and written reports of abuse against numerous OCVC staff members, and the university quickly “managed” the situation rather than protect those who came forward. Pointed out.
Victim statements include vile and sadistic pornography on computers and phones, rough sexual advances toward female students, and racial slurs directed at black and Asian students, such as “bakapaki,'' black people, and monkey boys.'' Details have been revealed, including encouraging drinking at universities, workplaces and local pubs. Physical abuse that leaves students with bruises, unexplained injuries, violence against students, sexual relations between teachers and girls, torture such as having a car battery, and humiliation by asking them to pull down their pants. A forced victim. Supporting statements reveal that the university either ignored the reports or “warned” those who filed complaints.
Contrary to Mr Wilstead's claims that the abuse allegations are false, the nature of the statements and reports, corroboration and multiple witnesses provide overwhelming evidence, apart from the termination of previous staff. Inspector Dillon of Banbury Police, who was involved in the previous OCVC investigation (now recalled for reinvestigation), insists there was no inappropriate or illegal IT evidence. This also seems disingenuous, given that the hard drive of the OCVC computer was never seized by police, even though multiple victims have testified that they were shown pornography on their computers and cell phones. It seems. Why did OCVC suddenly replace 200 computers at a cost of around £104,487 when allegations of fraud were widespread?
Even within Oxford Council, the problem is not simple. Child and Youth Protection Officer Barry Armstrong claims the documents are missing, appears confused about which claims were investigated and has failed to release them to victims. The documents that were actually released were heavily redacted (blacked out) to hide information.
In July 2011, Armstrong said, “No disclosures have been made that would indicate a serious risk to children.” But at the time he must have certainly known that all disclosures were not investigated. He was aware that staff members had been fired for making allegations of abuse within the university, but he seemed relaxed, saying he didn't know what these allegations were by adult staff members.
Because OCVC abuse cases are such a sensitive issue, local politicians appear reluctant to take action. Wallingford and Brightwell and Sotwell councilor Linda Atkins was shown a detailed letter of concern from a woman who had suffered severe abuse at the university. Despite calling for confidentiality and appropriate protection for this and other victims, Atkins placed the issue right back on those who failed to investigate and protect vulnerable students in the first place.
In a twisted email that appeared to criticize ordinary people who brought in evidence, she then accused him of dealing in “gossip” and “verbal third-party claims.” did. Finally, she perversely emphasizes “his” duty to deal with the abuse, which he bravely did by approaching her in the first place.
A report dated August 2011 following a joint investigation into approximately 25 occupational abuse cases involving Pembrokeshire County Council's child protection services concluded:
There is a lack of oversight by elected commissioners and officers at the most senior levels within the agency over the management and handling of cases of suspected professional abuse in the education service.
The lack of effective governance around child protection reflects endemic failures in the overall culture of authorities. Authorities' arrangements to protect and protect children had long-standing systemic deficiencies. This shows the deep-rooted nature of these problems and the flaws within the authorities.
The report also highlighted that there was little evidence that parents and carers were helped to understand the process, informed of the outcome of the investigation or disciplinary process, or helped to understand the outcome reached. . This lack of transparency raises questions about whether child protection always takes precedence over an agency's reputation.
UK Column is concerned that these failures are not unique to Pembrokeshire, but that a major independent investigation is urgently needed in Oxford as well.