Today, the EU gravy train is back in the mainstream press, with the Daily Mail highlighting the huge difference in income between MEPs and the rest of society.
As real incomes fall further, the gap will widen further. Workers will see their wages rise by 0.8%, while the cost of living will increase by 2.4% (food prices will rise by 5%). According to the Daily Mail,.
The 0.8% increase is incorrect. There is no increase. When the cost of living rises more than wages rise, what we are actually seeing is a decline in purchasing power.
But MPs and members of the House of Representatives have little to fear as their wages have increased significantly. MPs recently welcomed a £20,000 increase by 2015, while others like Nigel Farage enjoy an average salary. Around 695% above the average UK wage of £182,826, plus £217,000 in expense allowances. — This is a little more than the £500 benefit that was recently capped for the rest of us farmers.
What we are beginning to see very clearly is the formation of a two-tier society much like the Soviet system. The elite class of private businessmen, bankers, politicians, aristocrats, etc. who enjoy huge incomes are relatively unaffected by repeated economic downturns, and other classes of people robbing people of their wealth and property. The rest of us.
While 'untouchables' enjoy immunity, the rest of the UK will see pay freezes or cuts due to the UK government's recent introduction of a compulsory pension scheme called 'workplace pensions'. Beneath this façade lies another stealth tax cleverly disguised as a government effort to help those who cannot afford to save for the future. It ignores the fact that people can't afford to “save” because real incomes are falling and current interest rates provide little incentive to save.
However, if your income is insufficient, the government has recently decided to provide benefits. Maximum limit is £500. Through these kinds of measures, we now know that the motive behind the mainstream media's recent agenda is that all people on benefits are extortionists, become homeless and under strict national rules. One can understand the motive behind trying to convince an unsuspecting citizenry that they find themselves quietly shoved into government housing and are unworthy of sympathy. .
About 20 million people in this country are receiving some form of benefits, not counting the 10,000 or so people convicted of benefit fraud last year. These vulnerable families are the real targets of the government and mainstream media, who protect the parasites operating from the elites. These are people who contribute little to society but still take a big piece of the pie.