Lighting the fire once againBrian Gerrish and Debi Evans go where angels fear to tread and continue their journey to discover who Charles III really is and who are the close associates of our sustainable King. We shed light on the reality and extent of the questionable and sometimes criminal associations that our monarch willingly includes in his entourage. When Jimmy Savile was proposed as the Royal Godfather, was Greene King simply being obtuse and eccentric, or was the idea calculated? It can be difficult to tell.
Greene King maintains his innocence regarding the Ouija board, but he does seem interested in a kind of spirituality that Christianity rejects, so it is not surprising to Christians that King Charles secretly rejected the Ouija board.especially in the Canadian territories) His role as a defender of the Christian faith. guidance The phrase “by their fruits you will know them” makes you wonder who our sovereign is. The Greene King, the King of Sustainability, or Savior of the World?