Last updated December 10, 2024 – 10:07 AM
Award-winning artist, creative director, and mental health advocate Sravya Attaluri has launched a new podcast, Desi in Design.
This series explores the journeys, challenges, and triumphs of South Asian artists and designers from around the world. Challenging traditional South Asian biases about creative career paths, we tackle topics such as finances, creative hurdles, and race-related barriers, and provide practical tips and insider insights.
Upcoming guests include fine artist Laxmi Hussain, tattoo artist Nikki Kotecha, and 3D artist/motion designer Hashmukh Kerai.
“Growing up as a third-culture South Asian artist, I have navigated my career without much representation or guidance,” Slavia Attaruri said. “We hope this podcast helps build a support network of fellow creators who understand each other's unique cultural and professional struggles and shed light on why art is a path worth pursuing. .”
Sravya is globally recognized as a socially impactful artist and illustrator who works with Fortune 500 brands on projects that promote mental health awareness, intersectional feminism, and representation.
Born in India, raised in South Korea and Hong Kong, trained as a fine artist in Los Angeles, where he currently runs his multidisciplinary studio Hello Color from London, where he received a Royal Society Fellowship and a UK Innovator Visa We aim for further development. Increase Asian representation in Western countries.
Desi in Design is available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.