The brave grandmother Juliet has cared for many children, both herself and her grandchildren. She has an unharmed parental care record. However, when her vulnerable adult daughter is filmed pretending to be falsely lying on her very young child, Juliet is pushed aside by social services. SS said they would keep the toddler just one night, social workers actually checked the box for adoption of the child within the first 15 hours.
Juliet's granddaughter was fine and unharmed when she was taken by the state. Police recorded that the child was not injured.
Just five days later, it is still in the “care” of the Social Services child protection team, with the child's injuries being observed and photographed by Juliet and her daughter. The diaper area and the bruises in her face are just the beginning. Injuries and abuse progress to bruises, burn marks, physical withdrawals, refusal to speak, instability that is not believed to be caused by drugs, and needle puncture marks.
Despite clear indications of abuse recorded by Juliet and his family, social workers and child protection teams dismiss evidence, ignore family warnings, and leave the child to an abusive placement. Police have received crime reports but refuse to act both locally and nationwide with Metropolitan Police.
Juliet's testimony covers the nightmare where you know that your vulnerable young child is being abused in the state's “care” while Juliet and her mother are helpless. She details the failures of child protection systems, police and courts, and exposes the pedophile network of agencies that can falsely accuse loving parents for stealing children without paperwork. In cooperation with the police, founding child abusers are free to operate with full support from the legal system. Their lies, false testimony, false documents, and perjury in court are tolerated and promoted by police and judges. The social workers who dare to speak are threatened and silent.
Also check out our UK column interviews covering whitch social services experts on child abuse within the care system.
Children's Theft by the State: Social Workers Talk
Whistleblower: Social workers boldly brutalized by police and social services to protect their children
Finally, Juliet warns that social services are now stealing and abusing children from families of all classes, and no paperwork or court orders are required to do so. To stop them, parents and families must wake up quickly and take action with numbers.