Perhaps I'm not alone in thinking that death has become a little too prevalent in nanny state politics in recent years. After all, humans have been dealing with death since the beginning of life, without the need for government assistance or large-scale aid. A media campaign to do so.
Moreover, we are now flooded with propaganda and government edicts that promote fear of death. We are suffering from excessive alcohol intake, smoking too much cigarettes, not wearing seatbelts, cancer, obesity, lack of exercise, bad eating habits, AIDS, SARS, HIV, Alzheimer's disease, terrorist attacks, dementia, influenza, and the earth. Global warming, cold winters, air pollution, cycling without a helmet, Ebola, etc. We should be afraid…very afraid of dying, except perhaps in a government-sponsored euthanasia program.
Surprisingly, or perhaps not, millions of people haven't died from bird flu or SARS, and the media hype over such disasters has faded into the long grass and been short-lived. It has been allowed to fade into public memory. Contrary to the hype of that death, the government and media did not and have never reported on the millions of people who have died from vaccinations that are claimed to protect us from death. . But I'll leave that for another day.
Recognizing that death is a reality, many good people have worked to support people at the end of their lives, including caring for, comforting, and dealing with both physical and emotional suffering. I have to admit that. These are very special people who often deal with very difficult and emotionally draining situations. They deserve our wide recognition, support and gratitude.
But today, family, community, public and private end-of-life palliative care is no longer enough and, according to the government, the average man or woman is no longer equipped to cope with the problem. We all need help.
The British government also offers support.
Fortunately, the UK Government, its NGOs and third sector agents are spending a huge amount of time and energy behind the scenes to help us deal with just that. And all their good work is now emerging from the shadows.
Take, for example, recent headlines about St. Helier Hospital. Death became a big problem there pretty quickly. The charity Dying Matters was helping hospitals train doctors and nurses on dying. Perhaps dealing with death and dying is no longer part of medical training, but that doesn't matter.
In the course of their philanthropic work, a memo was issued that caused controversy:
“Dying Issues” Awareness Week
Palliative care teams have set up stands at both Epsom Hospital and St Helier Hospital to promote National 'Matters of Death' Awareness Week from 9th to 13th May. Dying is a celebration of life and a reminder that we only die once. It encourages us to communicate our wishes to our families now and write them down while we are still healthy. Examples include registering organ donors and writing a will. Others prefer to record their funeral wishes. Living well and dying well can be both fun and serious. As you can imagine, the palliative care theme 'Death by Chocolate' was very well received. Please take a look — For more information and advice.
The part that said, “It's fun to live well and die well'' stuck with some of the staff members, and they told reporters at national newspapers.
In my opinion, the entire memo was either horribly written or intentionally insidious in its meaning. The linguistic twist is subtle at first, but becomes obvious. “The issue of death helps us celebrate life.” “…dying matters…we encourage organ donation.” “We should make a will and record our funeral wishes.” “It's fun to die well.” Before you say, “But it's wise to make a will,” let's dig a little deeper and think about “dying can be fun” as well as “death by chocolate.”
The deadly Dying Matters memo was released after Awareness Week, but who are the Dying Matters?
They are a charity that oversees a federation of 32,000 members across England and Wales, with the aim of helping people talk more openly about death, dying and bereavement and plan for the end of life. I'm here. Its members include organizations across the NHS, the voluntary and independent health sector including hospices, care homes and charities supporting the elderly, children and bereavement. social care and housing, faith and community organisations, schools and universities, academic societies, trade unions, the legal profession and the funeral sector.
Phew — everyone is talking about death now, in schools, universities, children, and charities that support children, but death is fun, so there's no need to worry about it. Well, there's actually something better than that.
The mission of the Dying Matters Coalition is to “A fundamental change in society where death, dying and bereavement are seen and accepted as a natural part of everyone's life cycle.”
So my question is this: Who decided that we all need to be taught about death in order to make it “natural”? Why do we suddenly need to discuss death so widely and freely in order to enjoy life? Death, and those who have seen too much of it in war, believe that death is real and that the dead are ours. While worthy of love, memory, and respect, the darkness of death knows well that it is best left silently on the sidelines out of respect for its beauty. About life and living. After all, all of the world's major religions celebrate life and the gift of life. Satanists, on the other hand, do celebrate death.
Appearance of the Dark Lord Falconer
Is it a coincidence that Dying Matters also provokes readers by saying things like:
“Not being open about death and dying impacts our ability to die where and how we want.”
This argument appears to be very much in line with the new government's agenda for 'assisted dying', introduced in Lord Falconer's 'shadowy' assisted dying bill.
'A bill that would allow eligible adults with a terminal illness to receive certain assistance in ending their own life upon their request. and for related purposes. ”
That's great, but what exactly is a “relevant purpose”?
I have yet to hear Tony Blair's old friend Lord Falconer stand up for the life of an unborn child. Was death more important to him than life, or was he motivated to do good for death as part of the UK government's end-of-life care strategy in 2008?
Think of it like this: guardian In September 2015, it was reported that:
In the Netherlands, assisted suicide was legal, not just for people with terminal illnesses. At a clinic in The Hague, anyone suffering from “unbearable suffering” can receive the relief they seek.
The important thing is that guardian It added that a 70-year-old man was photographed surrounded by his family and given euthanasia drugs. What is his “unbearable suffering”? Borderline dementia. Although not terminal per se, in this case the man was said to have decided he didn't want to go there. Is this a precedent for assisted dying to become assisted suicide in the UK?
More than 5,000 people have been assisted in dying in the Netherlands, including a 20-year-old sexual abuse survivor who was unable to cope with post-traumatic stress. The assisted dying net in the Netherlands appears to be very widespread indeed.
Prime Minister David Cameron calls for further action on dementia
In recent months, British Prime Minister David Cameron has said that the United Kingdom is “taking advantage of the dementia epidemic”.Prime Minister's Challenge on Dementia 2020” implementation plan. As well as warning that we are all at increased risk of dementia, the government is now keen to announce that it expects around 2 million people to be diagnosed with dementia by 2050 . Doctors are encouraged to raise dementia diagnostic targets to reach specified numbers (yes, really) out of 2 million people, the country is to make dementia-friendly municipalities .
Should all these 2 million people be “encouraged” by the state to accept assisted dying? If so, it would seem that we are moving towards a national political doctrine of eschatology, the doctrine of death.
Similar mitigation measures were announced in Scotland in 2008 under the title: live well and die well. Following this in 2011, Live well, die well: Accumulating progress. These SLWGs utilized a number of “Short Life Working Groups” to analyze and develop recommendations for palliative and end-of-life care.
The overall vision set out is:
Similar to end-of-life issues south of the border, the Scottish program was clearly targeted at a wider population and community with the aim of normalizing discussion of death. Furthermore, children will grow up feeling the inevitability of death.
Is it just me or is there something unpleasant here? Shouldn't our children be raised to understand love and compassion for family, friends, and fellow humans, and to live life to the fullest? Why should we encourage young children to talk about death and its inevitability?
The charity Dying Matters helped set up a collaborative palliative and end-of-life care network in England, while Good Life Good Death Good Grief was born in Scotland and aims to support the NHS, commercial organizations and charities. Approximately 800 members from the same field, including organizations, are participating. organization. Among them is the Humanist Association.
Care pathways in Liverpool and deaths in Staffordshire
These palliative and end-of-life political agendas would have you believe that our government is determined to ensure that we all have access to quality palliative and end-of-life care. We might be reassured if this agenda built on existing standards of quality health care across the country, especially for older people. But the opposite is also true. In recent years, the NHS in particular has rushed to set up the Liverpool Care Pathway, which has been criticized by experts and the public alike as a pathway to hasten death and cut costs for the NHS.
Furthermore, information currently reaching the NHS shows that, as evidenced by the Staffordshire Hospital fiasco and the deaths of tens of thousands (yes, tens of thousands) of people in at least 10 other hospitals, the NHS is It shows an appalling failure in care. British column.
But the NHS is not alone in its track record of neglect and deaths. Care homes and retirement homes are also implicated in the death pathway, typically facilitating dehydration to aid mental confusion, prescribing cocktails of dementia drugs, and allowing starvation to hasten the end.
In addition to thousands of NHS deaths, there are also worrying changes to the public system that monitors deaths and ensures that no foul play is involved. Coroners used to be strictly independent and served by independent staff. Not now. In many NHS trusts, the coroner sits in an office next to management. Furthermore, its staff are increasingly made up of former police officers, who appear to be rather too familiar with the NHS network and indeed with local authorities.
Evidence circulating in Plymouth of a middle-aged woman's untimely death at the hands of the NHS and care community included at least three death certificates for the same person. Surprisingly, the coroner seems either unaware or unconcerned, and the local police suspect that social services are attempting to provide care for the husband, perhaps simply occupying the home to pay for the “care”. You seem to be trying and being proactive in your questions.
Wealth Creation and Ash Cash
We link this situation to wealth creation and increased profits in the care system. In 'cash for ashes', doctors are currently paid around £85 for signing death certificates in favor of cremation. Cremation itself, which always neatly unites many people, is particularly evidence of wrongdoing. Currently, the end of life process can be greatly improved by bringing in a private cremation company that provides 'bed to ashes' services such as collection, certificates, formalities and cremation, with or without the involvement of next of kin and friends. It became neat, organized, and profitable.
With such failures and questionable paths of death, and with governments failing us so badly in life, can we trust them to organize end-of-life care at every stage? ?
I'm afraid not. The evidence I've seen makes me wonder if, while we munch on our chocolate, we should consider that the British government-led death cult doesn't have our interests or longevity in mind. I did. They seem to be looking for a more orderly and more cost-effective solution to individuals who are no longer able to generate corporate profits.