The new A True Crime PodCast talks about the stunning Diamond Star Jewel's stolen Diamond Star Jewel of the Austrian Empress SISI, holding a large thief in the 90s.
Daniel Blanchard is not your average tremendous criminal. His robbery is original, his flee is against his beliefs, and his ability, one step ahead of the law, is confused by the investigator. He has a system, which works.
One day, when Daniel looked at the last remaining Shishi's star (the perfect cluster of a dazzling diamond), he was at risk to get it.
His plan to steal it is high stakes. It is a bold parachute jump at night. If he could do this, he knew he would launch him into a criminal big league.
Daniel's Exploit will release a relentless game of cats and mouse as the determined police team tracks him over the continent. But how lucky can Shishi's stars continue to be Daniel?
What Daniel does not know is that this jewel has a dark history. It used to be the best glory of the legendary Empress Elizabeth in Austria. He used it to engrave her own heritage of absolute beauty and power against her age rules. The tracking tracked her very much on her. And now his fate is fixed to the same star.
The bold robbery is the story of ambition, risk, and obsession to track thief and empress in the second century and find how far they want to get what they want.
BLANCHARD HOUSE makes the first episode of the most bold robbery. In addition, the episode has released each episode until March 18.