As a capable expert, Ioland Menino was excited to bring Portugal to work in the UK. She later met her beloved partner and they took the inspiring step of starting a family together. Life was good, so Ioland took all the necessary steps to plan and prepare the birth of the baby. She decided she wanted to benefit from Doula's help and support, but was also happy to be involved with the NHS and prenatal and postnatal support.
Her baby was born healthy and healthy, but clinical error almost cost her life and immediate hospital treatment was required to recover.
However, Ioland and her partner should not enjoy the arrival of their new son. Within a few hours they were increasingly surrounded and bullied by social services, police and the NHS.
Iolands was returned to hospital with her newborn son, and within days the NHS, Social Services and police filed false child protection lawsuits against Ioland and her partner. Southampton Hospital was used as a place of cold, noise, lack of sleep, threats and psychological torture, alienating and separating Ioland and her partner from the new baby. Iholand explains the experience as a sleep stolen in the middle of a horrifying film. In the end, three “child protection” authorities took the baby with them using false allegations and evidence in the family court system. Iholand has never seen him and she does not know who was given the stolen son.
Her son is another young child who has been snatched by an unexplainable “child protection” racket in the UK.