Disclaimer: While all content discussed in the interview is for those under the age of 16, adults are encouraged to consider whether it is appropriate to watch this unpleasant and necessary interview in front of children.
This is one of a series of interviews by Diane Rasmussen McAdie, who recorded British children about indoctrination in dangerous territory within British schools such as sexualization. Strange theoryand “anti-racist” activities.
Kathy Madge is a founding member of Devon-based Protect & Teach and is an interested adult growth group located around England. Members are committed to “protecting education from indoctrination and teaching children the truth.” Here is the mission statement for Protect & Teach:
“We propose protecting children in education. We intend to keep your children, grandchildren, ne and nie, and children in the care of the nation and your children and grandchildren safe from unchecked gender ideology through educational facilities, children's services, children's clubs, children's television shows, children's books, children's entertainment. To promote our mission, we have joined with many interested adults from every walk of life and pursued our stated purpose in the most effective way we can find. These other adults are welcome companions.
As a retired midwife, Cathy is free to speak to the insidious curriculum required by nationally funded English schools. This includes enforcement School Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Guidance came into effect in September 2020. After the discussion, Draft revision In May 2024, under the previous government, it encompassed age classification. Labor has not yet responded to corrections. Protect & Teach responded For recent guidance.
In an interview, Kathy discussed her knowledge of the bigger agenda that drove this content into school. Diane shared some of the images she and Cathy gathered together the highly inappropriate events, challenges and documentation of books that are provided to their children every day. Follow the link below to see the original source. These are just a few of our large, growing collections.
Felicia The Fidget Toy Fairy: Picture book
From stars in the sky to fish in the sea: Picture book
Gender queer: An autobiographical graphic novel about gender change and exploration of sexuality. Non-binary and asexual authors use the pronoun e/em/eir.
Gender swapped fairy tales: Books for children
Ginni Tonix: Drag Queen who appeared at school
Intersectivity: Illustration of a social justice activist
Jack of Heart (and other parts):Queer Sex Novel
My Life: I'm Leo: CBBC documentary series on transgender youths
My Skin: Talk about race, racism, empowerment: Written as a prompt to talk to young children about race. According to the author's website, it is “written in a child-friendly, accessible language, with relevant examples, and the book supports children's understanding of building anti-racist attitudes from an early age.”
Rainbow Flag Award: “For all schools and universities… encouraging an organization-wide approach to LGBTQ+ inclusion.”
Richard Lander School: LGBTQ History Month event was held and promoted
Sex ED: A comprehensive guide to sex and relationships: Teenage Sex Manual
Sexuality Agender V2 Toolkit: Manchester-based “LGBTQ+ Youth House” sold by trust in aka “Pride”
Straight Expectations: Discover the most disappointing and strange rom-com of the summer: novel
A boy who wanted to be a deer: Picture book
This book is gay: Non-fiction book on being LGBT
Assessing all God's children: Guidance to Church of England's Schools on Challenging Homophobia, Biphasia, and Transphobic Bullying: Written under the guidance of Justin Wellby, former Archbishop of Canterbury. Child Sexual Abuse Scandal
What is racism? Lift your FLAP first question and answer: Social Justice Activities for Very Young Children
What is sexuality?: YouTube videos
Wheel of Power/Privilege: Illustration of a social justice activist
Members of Protect & Teach would like to hear from the adults involved about what is happening at local schools. They welcome new friends. The strength of the numbers is essential to winning this battle with our children. Contact Protect & Teach using the following link:
Website: Protect and teach
Twitter/X: @protectteach
Email: protectteach@gmail.com