Author: Podcast News

UKColumn is the only site to have exposed the serious sexual and physical abuse of young people at Oxford University and Cherwell Valley College (now hastily and costly renamed). Energize learning. Despite multiple victims, corroborating evidence and statements, and a brave Asian governess who was the first to expose the abuse of white children by white men, the entire incident was covered up by OCVC officials, Oxford City and County Council, Oxfordshire Safeguarding, Ofsted, Thames Valley Police and others. The BBC also covered up this horrific case of child abuse after Radio 4 reporter Nicola Stanbridge contacted the UK column…

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Transhumanist advocates are those who believe that the merging of humanity with technology is inevitable and necessary. Some believe that technology is simply a means to improve the human condition, while others believe that the rapid development of technology will force humanity to transform itself to compete or coexist with the inevitable emergence of artificial intelligence. Transhumanists believe that humanity's current state is significantly inferior to the capabilities of emerging AI systems, and argue that merging with technology will elevate our capabilities to “superhuman” levels, forever changing the way we interact with our bodies and the world, ushering in a…

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Jailed twice and under house arrest for nearly a year, Robert Green is an enemy of the Scottish state. His crime? Exposing child abuse, specifically the horrific rape and abuse suffered by Aberdeen youngster Holly Greig. Robert has now been found guilty at Aberdeen Magistrates Court, despite there being no investigation by Grampian Police, Alex Salmond's private office losing or destroying key documents, and former prosecutor Elish Angiolini threatening people who reported cases. Robert's crime was breaching a harassment prevention order previously taken out on him to stop him from reporting on the Holly Greig case. The breach arose when…

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By blurring the boundaries between people, professions, the public and private sectors, and responsibility and accountability, Common Purpose encourages its “graduates” to believe that as newly elected leaders they can work together outside existing political and social structures to achieve a paradigm shift or change (so-called “leadership beyond authority”).In doing so, personal loyalties are “re-positioned” to CP colleagues and their networks.No wonder local government has been labelled “unfit for purpose” in the latest official report.In our May 2013 UK column we published an in-depth discussion of the report ( A Shared Purpose for the NHS: Towards One Million Change Agents…

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From the political charity Common Purpose with its secret meetings for “future leaders” to the Cabinet Office Insight Team, the main weapon used to destroy our families, our culture and our history has been a systematic attack on our minds.In the Daily Mail on January 17, 2015, former Archbishop of Canterbury Michael Nazir Ali asked:Why aren't Christians being heard?”He states, 'By taking disciplinary action against Judge Richard Page, the Lord Chancellor and Chief Justice have declared the elimination of any vestigial notion of faith (Christianity) from our legal process.'” He also correctly states that “the 'remedial' training required of Mr…

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Robert Green has long campaigned tirelessly to get justice for Holly Greig, who was horrifically sexually abused as a child by Aberdeen gangs, and among the people she has named are not just dirty old men in raincoats, but people with connections to professionals and the establishment.Robert Green has campaigned tirelessly for years for justice for Holly Greig, who was horrifically sexually abused as a child by Aberdeen gangsters. The people she named were not just dirty old men in raincoats, but professionals and people with connections to the establishment. Grampian police treated Holly as an honest witness and acknowledged…

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The Bank of England yesterday published plans for future transparency and accountability in setting interest rates.When Tony Blair came to power in 1997, the price was the loss of the so-called independence of the Bank of England. Of course, even though the Bank of England was “nationalised”, it was always independent from the government, except in terms of setting interest rates. So as soon as Blair became prime minister, his close friend and colleague, Gordon Brown, who just a decade later would become known as World Chancellor of the Exchequer, announced that the bank would become independent. This was an…

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A former Polish prime minister has succeeded Herman Van Rompuy as president of the European Council, but this seemingly routine transition signals an imminent move by new European Commission President Donald Tusk to go all-out for free trade as Ukraine threatens to descend into all-out chaos and carnage.Immediately after being appointed EC Commission President, Tusk spoke with U.S. President Barack Obama by telephone on December 1st, and called for immediate progress on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP). While headlines about ISIS and Ebola consume tons of ink and paper in newspapers around the world, T-TIP is quietly forging…

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A peek into the Scottish situation shows where the road to child “safeguarding” is actually heading, and it doesn't look like a good thing. Check out East Renfrewshire Scotland's multi-agency overview guidance for practitioners and managers on fabricated or induced illness (FII).On November 22, 2014, the Daily Mail reported the story of Ms. Kidston, a mother accused by Hereford Social Services of attempting to poison her teenage daughter. In reality, Ms. Kidston had simply sought medical advice at the clinic of Dr. Thierry Hartoghe in Brussels. Ms. Kidston's daughter was suffering from a number of ailments, including chronic fatigue, low…

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One of the most common answers I get is that the Bradbury pound is just quantitative easing – that is, there's no need to discuss Bradbury because the Bank of England is already doing it. This is, of course, nonsense. Ironically, another answer given by MPs was that the Bradbury pound policy would cause inflation. But if you look at the Bradbury Pound = QE or Bradbury Pound = inflation debate, they also argue that QE is fine because it doesn't cause inflation. It's not clear how they can be both sides, but maybe that's to be expected as politicians.…

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