Author: Podcast News

Prime Minister David Cameron has accused rural opponents of the government's new town planning laws of denying young people home ownership opportunities and disregarding the best interests of the country. Reform is certainly the buzzword in government at the moment, but there is no real explanation for what they are reforming for. Similarly, Prime Minister Cameron's media address did not fully explain whether the new housing was specifically aimed at providing much-needed housing for people who claim residence here, or for people expected to emigrate from Europe. “Urban planning reform is important,” said Prime Minister David Cameron. “With the average…

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David Cameron has declared his interests in Common Purpose. Suddenly the press and media realise he was part of the same Common Purpose that founded the Leveson Inquiry. Was it an oversight? State control of the press is not an appointment…The UK government’s direct control of the press through the Leveson Inquiry has never been more clear to anyone prepared to look. This is only the beginning. Control over the wider television and web-based media will surely continue as night follows day. Let’s focus on the press for now, and the rest should become clear. First, acknowledge that the mainstream…

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Writing for The Guardian Today, Vince Cable began writing an opinion piece arguing that Britain should remain in Europe because “for centuries” it has “developed economically as an open, outward-looking country.” What a strange view of history. Britain may have been outward-looking, but only in the context of which parts of the globe to plunder. But it was the next paragraph in Cable's article that really rang the alarm bells. I am more worried than Bank of England Governor Mark Carney about the risks of relying too heavily on financial services for growth, but I acknowledge that the single market…

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The internet approaches every man, woman, and child. Fishing nets are effective hunting weapons. A simple and easily constructed net is invisible to the fish at first, but when it eventually encounters the net, all escape routes are cut off. The nets encircle and trap the fish, allowing them to eventually be pulled out of their habitat and killed. Fishing nets are effective hunting weapons. A simple and easily constructed net is invisible to the fish at first, but when it eventually encounters the net, all escape routes are cut off. The nets encircle and trap the fish, allowing them…

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Microsoft and Google are developing programs that can track our behavior. Future developments; The number of CCTV cameras being installed across the country is on the rise – One camera for every 11 people; Biometric scanner Packed lunches have now been banned, school cafeterias are now putting RFID chips around pupils' necks so they can be tracked at all times and of course George Osborne has said:Jawbone close-upThe new bracelet worn on the wrist constantly monitors the wearer's actions and tells them how much they should eat and sleep. and now, Google Glass The computerized glasses are said to be…

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Much has been written about the digital age and the menial tasks it is supposed to save us from, and about its enslavement of people, an Orwellian world in which we are watched and controlled 24/7. Regular viewers and readers will know that the world is becoming more real by the day, and according to the mainstream media, organizations like Microsoft and Google are pushing us ever closer to the edge of no return. The latest claim from Google and Microsoft is that their new program, “Far Out,” can predict your future movements by monitoring your current movements with GPS.…

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Yesterday, National Grid published a document called “National Grid – our role in the electricity industry”, in which they argue that in the near future they will not be able to properly play their role in balancing electricity supplies across the grid, and that large consumers such as shops and factories should be asked to reduce their energy consumption at peak times.As National Grid states in the first paragraph: Their documentsTheir job is to “balance the network, making sure demand and supply match up second-to-second, and asking suppliers and generators to make up the difference.” “They are not responsible for…

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Numerous articles in the mainstream media today allude to the fact that we are rapidly sliding into a tightly controlled fascist existence, very similar to George Orwell's nightmarish 1984. that is Village cricketers banned from playing on grass Has been in use for 37 years, or Gardens confiscated by a tyrannical parliamentIt must be clear to most people that the Health and Safety Corps is changing the face of what Britain once was and poses a very real threat to our culture and family life. If they're not changing our lives or suffocating us with cotton wool, they're snooping behind…

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Prime Minister David Cameron, Conservative MP Brooks Newmark, and US intelligence sources allege that chemical weapons were used in Syria. This “fact” is used to strengthen calls for military action to ensure the overthrow of Assad. But are chemical weapons real and where is the evidence? Brooks Newmark is a former banker and financier, believed to be a member of Shearson Lehman Brothers, Newmark Brothers, Inc., Stelican, Inc., and Apollo Management LP. Newmark, now a Conservative MP, wrote a full-page article in the Sunday Mail on June 9, 2013 calling for the arming of the Syrian opposition and the removal…

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Last Monday, our Malcolm Massey, Neil Foster and Mark Anderson walked around the Globe Hotel after the Bilderberg meeting to see what was on show, and what they found was a conference room with a Thomson Reuters display panel. The exhibit panel, prominently displaying the Thomson Reuters logo, was titled “Unleashing the Power of Our Integrated Platform in Financial Markets.” Bilderberg agenda item? Why would Thomson Reuters advertise to attendees at the Bilderberg conference? It's easy to imagine Reuters advertising at a financial event for City of London traders and casino bank managers, but why politicians or businessmen? What are…

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