Author: Podcast News

Tim Yeo has been embroiled in the Lobbygate scandal, forcing him to step down as chairman of the Energy and Climate Change Committee.Lobbygate is the latest scam perpetrated against MPs in a bid to bring about changes to the UK's constitution, with multiple MPs and nobles currently attempting to receive payments from journalists posing as lobbyists in so-called sting operations. is involved. Calling Lobbygate a scam may sound like an apology for bad behavior. But Prime Minister David Cameron knew before the 2010 election that this was “the next big scandal waiting to happen”. So why was nothing done to…

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This year's Bilderberg conference attracted dramatically more attention than previous years, from both mainstream media and protesters, and drew more than 2,300 attendees. This increase, more than double last year's Chantilly conference, is hailed by many as a success in terms of exposure, and many believe it represents a ray of light in the dark curtain of secrecy that often casts a shadow over these conferences. Perhaps this is a bit of a jump in the fun: Looking at the attendance figures, Saturday's over-representation may actually be a smokescreen to hide what is fast becoming a bigger problem in the…

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Speaking at the Hay Festival, the former head of MI5 said “the enemy is everywhere” and highlighted the recent “clash of civilizations” rhetoric.If that were true, it would be a surprising confession. Mr Rimington's comments, bearing in mind that MI5's role is to protect the British public from domestic threats, suggest that the agency is not fully fulfilling its role. Corporate media coverage, predictably, leaves no room for doubt, as it promotes the idea that she is “evoking a wartime spirit.” In fact, she and they promote the ideology of the clash of civilizations, the idea that the days of…

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Today, the EU gravy train is back in the mainstream press, with the Daily Mail highlighting the huge difference in income between MEPs and the rest of society. As real incomes fall further, the gap will widen further. Workers will see their wages rise by 0.8%, while the cost of living will increase by 2.4% (food prices will rise by 5%). According to the Daily Mail,. The 0.8% increase is incorrect. There is no increase. When the cost of living rises more than wages rise, what we are actually seeing is a decline in purchasing power. But MPs and members…

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Yesterday evening, Jon Snow tweeted: “Stock market hits highest point since 1999…are alarm bells ringing…or simply the closing bell?” If the alarm bells aren't ringing, they should.A few weeks ago, Business Insider made this point very clearly. On the chart of the dayInvestors are now, as in 2007, leveraging their stock market bets. Speculators use their stakes like crazy In other words, they are gambling with money they don't have, and this debt bubble is what is driving the stock market.Aren't rising stock prices a symbol of growth in the real economy? After all, stock prices represent the value of…

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Foreign Secretary William Hague said yesterday that Britain would veto the reinstatement of the EU arms embargo on Syria at next week's foreign ministers' meeting if member states block moves to allow arms transfers to rebel groups.The Hague has French support for his demands, which is not surprising since we are tied at the hip as a result of a 50-year defense treaty. “I can say that we are prepared to do that (the UK's veto) if necessary, but of course we are looking for an agreement with other EU countries.” Of course, Mr. Haig, but you will move on…

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Newspaper companies are determined to infuriate their readers with shocking news of corporate tax evasion. But what's behind the headlines?News headlines continue to be filled with infuriating rhetoric. Google, Amazon, Apple, and Starbucks have all been targeted for tax evasion. They said “evil”That is outrageous. We should feel outraged.”rage”,”rage”.What is David Cameron doing in the meantime? there is nothing.Prime Minister Cameron did not take any sensible action to deal with the problem and simply I sent Margaret Hodge to yell at Google for a while.Therefore, it provides further opportunities for writing populist rhetoric in the media.David Cameron has a plan.…

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In the UK, schools hold vast amounts of data on children – they are among the most monitored school populations in the world, not just in terms of their academic subjects, health and eating habits, but also through the use of biometric and geolocation RFID tags. Between 2001 and 2012, biometric systems in education were first used for library systems in primary and secondary schools. By 2006, biometrics were increasingly being used for cashless catering, school lockers, and payment and registration for school trips. In 2005, privacy groups and parents concerned about the use of biometrics in schools began lobbying…

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The UK Column has published a series of detailed articles exposing the widespread physical and sexual abuse that has taken place at Oxford and Cherwell Valley College (OCVC) over many years. Following threats of “action” from the College, we have persisted, knowing that serious allegations have been made by multiple individuals and that there is documented evidence to back them up (statements, dates, times, names etc.). All of the young victims speak of a culture of intimidation and cover-ups. Sick abuser protected by authorities We also exposed how Oxford City Councillors were misled by City Council Child Protection Officers, who…

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While they are wining and dining in Washington, D.C. and Westminster, hired workers are working overtime to create rivers of blood in Syria.Barack Obama and David Cameron are flanked by “diplomats” Hillary Clinton and William Hague, and FSA rebels and al-Qaeda jihadists are still trying to break through the once stable situation in Syria. It is doing everything in its power to increase bloodshed in Syria by supporting terrorists. A country where termites devour once healthy homes. Blood is cheap, and with domestic budgets tight, Western leaders are satisfied with the current arrangement. Rebel terrorist fighters are paid between $500…

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