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Author: Podcast News
The UK Column has already written several articles warning about the true purpose of the Leveson Inquiry: the political control of a free press and media in the UK. By stirring the pond of the Leveson Inquiry, we have already exposed the startling links between major funders and so-called charities, and those who are now driven to judge the value and performance of the press and media in this country. In doing so, we aimed our finger early at a key organisation, the Media Standards Trust, a self-styled organisation that advocates for the right to attack both the press and…
Previous reports, published over the past six months, have detailed the extraordinary events that occurred in Scotland almost 20 years ago, events that had (and continue to have) significant impacts across the UK. Analysis is provided. The analysis revealed criminal activity. Crown officers to pervert laws designed to protect young people from serious abuse and exploitation. Actions of the Scottish Royal Family (1991) In late 1991, Crown officials issued instructions to Scottish prosecutors, effectively sanctioning the criminal act of allowing a teenage boy to be sodomized by an older man. These directions, issued by the (then) Lord Chancellor, contravened section…
Is publishing topless photos of the Duchess of Cambridge just an act of greed by trash French and Irish publications? At first glance, one might be forgiven for thinking this story is nothing more than opportunistic exploitation of celebrity by French, and now Irish, junk publications. Yet as most mainstream media coverage shows, the British media is exploiting the incident in a cynical act of mass suicide. Even the Mail and The Sun, which have highlighted the dangers of the upcoming Leveson Inquiry report, appear to have fallen into this trap. The Duchess of Cambridge is being used by those…
A surprising verdict was handed down. In a judicial move rarely seen in wartime let alone peacetime, British military installations have been given permission by the High Court to quarter houses without any permission or notice.A group of local council tenants in Leytonstone, east London, has lost a High Court battle to prevent military missile emplacements from being stationed on the roofs of high-rise buildings before and during the Olympics. The action to use residential areas as military bases was signed by the British Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, Home Secretary and Defense Secretary in “Defending the Kingdom''.The residents were…
Yesterday's UK column live We investigated allegations of institutional and financial corruption within Sheffield City Council which swallowed millions of pounds of public money and defrauded ordinary taxpayers. OLAF, the European Fraud Office, not only failed to address financial abuse, but also helped cover it up. Sheffield's chief executive Bob Kerslake, now head of the civil service, is said to have supported the dirty process. Not only did the Board of Supervisors fail to clean up the city, it acted in an unreasonable manner. common purpose To protect the Council and key persons (including Common Purpose alumni involved). Whistleblowers who…
In an interview with Jon Snow on Channel 4 News this evening, Lord Myners called for the full implementation of Glass-Steagall to tackle bank corruption, a policy that I have called for for many years.Paul Myners was appointed Financial Services Secretary in Gordon Brown's government, a role which gave him a life peerage as he was not an MP. His comments were made during a Channel 4 News panel discussing evidence given by former Barclays Bank chief executive Bob Diamond to the Treasury Select Committee on Wednesday. Towards the end of the discussion, Snow told Miners: Paul Miners, there was…
The following formal complaint was submitted today to the website. The directors of this pseudo-charity are: Michael Samuel (Chairman), Simon Briscoe, Sir David Lipsey, Baroness Julia Neuberger, Professor Jean Seaton.Dear Sirs, formal complaint After a short phone conversation this afternoon, I would like to take issue with the following Your article posted on FullFact website on July 3, 2012 at 15:14. You claim: Full Fact is an independent fact-checking organization. We demystify the facts and context behind claims made by key figures in British political debate and press those who make misleading claims to set the record straight. 1.…
We have learned that Wirral Council, which brought legal action against Roger Hayes for non-payment of council tax, has recently decided to institute a right of hearing for Roger's continued non-payment. Ta.A public hearing was held on Tuesday 26 June 2012, at which Wirral Council said Roger did not appear in court. As a result, a judge issued an arrest warrant and Roger was arrested yesterday morning. Council spokesmen either did not know the judge's name or declined to name him. After his arrest, Roger was taken before a magistrate and sentenced to 21 days in prison. Council spokesmen either…
How can Oxfordshire County Council's Safeguarding Children Committee claim that serious abuse is not occurring at Oxford and Cherwell Valley College?On 25 April 2012, the London Evening Standard reported that a 31-year-old female police officer from Southwark's Sapphire Sexual Crimes Unit had falsified crime reports and fabricated victim testimonies. The IPCC found the officer guilty of gross misconduct and dismissed her from the police force. The investigation uncovered a series of allegations that Southwark officers had breached rules around rape cases and dismissed allegations as “non-criminal”. On 28 April 2012, The Daily Telegraph reported a similar case in which Detective…
Although stock markets initially rose, they inevitably fell again just as quickly as Spain's borrowing costs began to spike again. Hell's Gate The UK column has been warning for years that unless very concrete steps are taken, the thoroughly corrupt financial cartel that rules this planet will lead us into a hyperinflationary hell. And now we have arrived at its gates. And it is not heaven. All this is unnecessary. Financial and economic problems could be solved so easily if it weren’t for the sheer cowardice of our elected representatives to stand up against the few who run the country…