Author: Podcast News

Join Debi Evans and Brian Gerrish for a personal call. But now it's a broader public debate. We consider the Covid 2020/2021 'pandemic', lockdowns, vaccinations, testing, the NHS etc. What do we hope to accomplish by making our conversations public? We want our viewers and listeners to follow our comments and analysis, and to support this increasingly oppressive, authoritarian and government-coercive approach. We hope that you will learn, understand, see, experience and add your own perspective to what is happening around us in policy. “New normal” world.Like many people, we feel that something is wrong with the COVID-19 “pandemic” and…

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My friend, the late Robert Greene, wrote me on November 16, 2018. It was one of the last letters I ever received from him, shortly after he succumbed to the illness that would lead to his death. His letters, like many of his other writings, Ahead of its timeit is, Just now Being investigated by the mainstream media and Holyrood Assembly: Alex Salmond and Leslie EvansHead of the Scottish Civil Service. As well as raising questions about the conduct of Leslie Evans, raising questions that remain unanswered to this day, and making some very sensible comments about the allegations Alex…

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On 5 July 2020 I interviewed Debi Evans, a former NHS nurse and former Government Autism Advisor, on the subject of 'Powerful narcissists and the psychological assault on the UK'. At that time in 2020, the UK was about three and a half months into “lockdown” or, more appropriately, curfew. The British public was already tired of the various government restrictions that were supposedly ordered to protect the public from the ravages of the government-declared COVID-19 “pandemic”. These restrictions included household lockdowns, travel restrictions, social distancing, mask-wearing, limits on family and public gatherings, and the closure of schools, pubs, businesses,…

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Bottom-up or top-down bank regulation? Mike and David discuss the need for regulation of banks and the need for rules to separate large commercial banks from the speculative activities (such as gambling) of the investment banking sector. More broadly, they consider the causes of risky behavior in the banking sector: is it a lack of regulation or harmful regulation that leads to privilege? Issues surrounding fractional reserve banking have come back into focus in this debate, but it also extends into the murky world of investment banking, with its securitized assets, derivatives and other exotic financial instruments — a world…

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According to law, child protection is everyone's responsibility. There are the police, social services, child protection teams, child protection boards, child protection charities, family courts and the legislative powers of Government. A huge number of agencies, authorities, charities, policy makers and law makers are all supposed to be committed to child protection. And then there are MPs. Fine men and women elected to represent both us as individuals and our families, children and communities within the power base at Westminster. So why is it that so many children are hurt by bullying and violence at school, some of which even…

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In this episode of 'Dismantling the Magic Money Tree', Mike and David look at central banks, the Bank for International Settlements and the Bank of England and the 'firepower' they direct at the UK economy. They debate some scary statistics about money supply growth and ponder whether the real economy can climb out of the hole that central banks have dug since the turn of the century. They point out that monetary easing and ideological conformity dominate central banking, and that the monetary and political systems are currently aligned and both are all in. In conclusion, the risk of a…

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What is money? Mike and David discuss types of money, then delve into the mysterious world of fractional reserve banking, where wealth is said to appear naturally out of thin air. Government money printing and genuine silver and gold coins are examined to determine the true extent of value loss due to inflation. They then return to the strange world of fractional reserve commercial banking and debt-funded money creation to consider what actually happens when you borrow money to buy a Jaguar. Bank runs, inflation, booms and busts, central banks, and war financing all come into play in this wide-ranging…

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Whether you believe the coronavirus crisis as described by Boris Johnson's Conservative government or not, the 2020 SARS-Cov-2 virus event is a powerful tool for manipulating public beliefs, emotions and values. They used the NHS as a propaganda tool. In particular, the nation's inherent respect for the NHS, particularly its staff who work overwhelmingly to help others, has helped to focus the nation's hearts on the NHS and elevate it to a god-like status. The danger in a situation like this is that we are expected to trust the NHS completely. What to say, what to claim, and what to…

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In this episode, Mike and David explore the current UK Government's professed intentions to “Build, build, build!”They debate the available infrastructure financing options: taxation, borrowing, and inflationary monetary expansion. They examine peak taxation, whether government debt is harmful, and how debt financing will affect future generations. Finally, the discussion returns to the boom-creating effects of inflationary monetary policy and the subsequent recession. Against the backdrop of unprecedented monetary intervention by central banks, they ponder whether the impact will result in a currency collapse and a “Great Reset”.

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First, in a spirit of confession, let me admit a personal prejudice, which seems to be characteristic of many of my fellow countrymen these days: I have always been, and still am, somewhat opposed to statues. The reasons for this are both religious and historical. My national history (I am Scottish) includes ancestors who destroyed statues. John KnoxThese iconoclasts rejected the corruption of the Roman Church and worship of bells and smells conducted through the senses, choosing a simpler and more austere worship centered on the ideas contained in the Bible. The Scottish response to this was a flowering of…

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