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Author: Podcast News
This article was first published in german Translated and published with permission. As reported by a prestigious magazine scienceCongress has exempted the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the world's trendsetter in this field, from the requirement to conduct animal testing before testing drugs on humans. Animal rights groups are delighted. But what's behind that decision? And does this mean humans can now legally be used as proverbial “guinea pigs”? Unfortunately, that's the case. . But let's take a closer look at the problem. Clinical trials are human trials necessary to test the effectiveness and safety of medicines before they…
The Ukrainization of Scandinavia: The sinister aftermath of Sweden and Finland's failed NATO membership
Throughout the NATO membership application process, Finland has said that it needs Sweden to accompany it if it is to join NATO. After the shocking Quran burning ceremony in front of the Turkish embassy in Stockholm, Finland declared that it might abandon Sweden and go it alone.(13) This proposal was summarily rejected by Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, who declared that Sweden and Finland's applications for NATO membership would only be considered jointly by the Turkish government, adding that the issue was no longer moot and that talk of Sweden and Finland joining NATO today was “meaningless”.(17) From Neutrality to…
Milankovitch cycle During those 800,000 years, Major One possible cause of long-term climate change is the Milankovitch cycles. This is a concept created in the 1930s by Milutin Milankovitch, a Serbian mathematician, astronomer, climatologist, geophysicist and civil engineer. Correlations with Milankovitch's numbers were revealed decades later by studies of deep-sea sediment cores. These cycles are, in fact, Eccentricity Due to changes in the Earth's orbit, Tilt The angle of the Earth's axis changes, Precession It continues to shake. Of earth Tilt As the Earth's axis expands, seasons become more extreme and warmer summers encourage glacial melting. Each cycle 41,000 years.…
David Scott and Debi Evans spend an uplifting moment with a nurse who asks questions. “Am I a conspiracy theorist or do I just see things differently?”?This is the question that RGN RMN Jenna Platt, an NHS trained nurse, poses to all those who want to call her a conspiracy theorist when she just asked a perfectly reasonable question.? Desperate to make a difference and ask those questions, Jenna literally went all out to stand up for truth, kindness, and answers. He walked 240 miles from his home in Stoke-on-Trent completely alone, in uniform, to personally deliver a letter to…
A discussion and post-recording update of this interview appeared on the January 25, 2023 episode of UK Column News starting at 6:26 p.m. The UK is thought to have a proud life sciences history. In the late 18th century, Edward Jenner developed the first “vaccine” for smallpox. Ranked 4th in Global Innovation IndexThe UK is seen as playing a key role in the global science effort and is touted as a life sciences superpower. It is no wonder, then, that many people believe that Her Majesty's Government is prioritizing the best interests of its people in the development and marketing…
What are we doing to our children?—Part 2: Were the Covid measures fit for purpose or even necessary?
Part 1 of this series looked at the toll on education and mental health, but this time we will examine whether COVID-19 countermeasures were necessary and the effectiveness of the main measures that have affected children, such as PCR tests, mask wearing, lockdowns, school closures and vaccinations. Follow the science? Given the known harm to children, as identified in Part 1, it was arguably incumbent on the Government to prove that the restrictions were necessary – that the threat was deadly to those targeted by the restrictions – and that its policy strategy was clearly working. Were the children in…
Doctor James TourA well-known synthetic organic chemist, he began to question the theoretical foundations of evolutionary theory and, more fundamentally, the origin of life. His personal and positive response to serious scientific questions piqued his interest and motivated him to explore further. His extensive research experience has given him unique insight into the difficulties of creating precise organic molecules that actually function. From this starting point, he has questioned the official explanation for the emergence of life on pre-biotic Earth: that a pool of mineral-rich mucus or soup beneath a rock somehow gave rise to life, he concludes, is far…
Scottish FoI response: No doctor or nurse has died 'related to' coronavirus in the last three years
As a Scottish citizen with over 20 years' experience in science and data analysis, and an interest in the post-2020 era, I have frequently raised eyebrows at the response to the alleged COVID-19 pandemic. I have been secretly watching over him. From a health perspective, very little made sense to me. It was actually the opposite of public health. As an example, research conducted in the early 2000s found that: Chronic fear is the most detrimental condition to immune system health-Despite this, we continued to watch relentless daily government press conferences and mainstream media coverage of COVID-19 infection and death…
I have heard about it Sexual rightsProbably not, but don't be embarrassed by your apparent ignorance – they don't actually exist! “Sexual rights” is endlessly repeated and constantly alluded to by the WHO, the UN and countless campaigning groups, including Amnesty International. Special web pages about them– but not defined What are theyBy government mandate, schoolchildren in Scotland are being taught about their “sexual rights” – but the message is essentially that minors have the right to engage in illegal sexual activity. So how have these vague sexual rights been crystallized in the international debate on sexuality? In part, it…
State education means state control over the faith of the next generation – Reverend John William Noble
Secular education now conveys a worldview that is at odds in crucial ways with Christian faith and very different to the education that is part of the traditions in Scotland, the UK as a whole and the Anglosphere as a whole. This creates a dilemma for Christians and for anyone who sees contemporary woke ideology as confusing, harmful or simply flawed.Pastor John William Noble The pastor of Aberdeen's Grace Baptist Church and David Scott examine this issue, looking back at the history of education and how this situation came about. Their discussion is particularly interesting: Education in ScotlandBut similar patterns…