Communitarianism is a political system that gives power over individuals to unelected community “stakeholder” councils. A stakeholder is defined as a “group, individual, organization, or system” and can be anyone or anything. This term can be found used in almost every government and grant-funded project in existence today…forming partnerships with stakeholders avoids voters and taxpayers. It's an effective method – Niki Rapana, Our Common Community.
Does the following excerpt from Maryette Ables' excellent article suggest areas in which “alumni” of the international leadership organization Common Purpose might be found?
Every community has one or more such NGOs (non-governmental organizations). They are placed in communities to build public support for parts of the international agenda. NGOs provide an interface between globalists and the rest of society. All CSO-NGOs are empowered by financial sources that fund specific activities designed to advance a broader agenda. Funding sources, both public and private, are coordinated by a triumvirate of NGOs working with United Nations agencies and national governments, working to advance the agenda developed through it.
Logically, each of these NGOs needs a leader. Many of these organizations statement of common purpose or claim to be working towards a common purpose. Is it a complete coincidence that the name of an international leadership training organization is also Common Purpose?I don't think so. To explain how this organization's activities are clearly embedded in new global governance systems, we examine official Common Purpose publications and also identify the activities of post-graduate 'leadership trainees'. Masu.
Common Purpose tells us:
In every democracy, there are invisible open spaces. It is between the people and the state. between the immediate responsibilities of each individual and the institutional responsibilities of government. It's political, but it's not party politics. A place where people come together and act for the greater good. And it is open to all sectors of society. Our aim is to fill this space with as many people as possible and provide them with the knowledge, inspiration, and connections they need to be effective. It's about encouraging all kinds of people to participate and seeing all kinds of initiatives come out of it. To discover new leaders in a bustling crowd and show them a lone voice that they are not alone. common purpose charter
In response to public criticism, Common Purpose recently issued the following statement:
In recent years, Common Purpose and its founder and CEO Julia Middleton have been the subject of conspiracy theories and negative commentary regarding its integrity. They have been accused of everything from running Britain and Europe, and more recently the United States, to being a secret brainwashing society. They are also portrayed as criminals, child abusers, embezzlers of government funds, and spies.
Because Common Purpose staff, course participants, customers and supporters condone these claims in the spirit of free speech, and it is not the best use of charitable funds, we have not been able to comply with legal action. We have refrained from taking action… Our attorney wrote to us as follows: The authors of these statements are intended to make it clear that such allegations will not be allowed to go unchallenged in the future. Common Purpose Board Chairman Sir David Bell's statement addresses Common Purpose conspiracy theories.
I ask: Are Common Purpose and its alumni acting as “stealth agents” for the United Nations, whose primary role is to indoctrinate its leaders? United Nations Agenda 21 Policies?
To explore this possibility, I first present research findings that demonstrate the commonality of language use by both Common Purpose and the United Nations.
The United Nations tells us:
Organizations can be strengthened by leveraging differences that reflect the diversity of our people. Managing a diverse workforce can be difficult. Bringing people from different backgrounds together in the workplace can yield great results, but it can also lead to greater conflict.
The Common Purpose About Time website tells readers:
In addition, Common Purpose produced a report titled “Diversity of Representation in Public Appointments.”
National legislation should create an environment that strengthens the role of NGOs as social partners.
The United Nations system and governments, in consultation with non-governmental organizations, should begin a process to consider formal procedures and mechanisms for the involvement of these organizations at all levels, from policy-making and decision-making to implementation. . United Nations, Agenda 21 and Millennium Development Goals – Strengthening the role of non-governmental organizations: Partners for Sustainable Development.
What actually happened?
Evidence from Wales
Beyond Boundaries: Citizen-centred Community Services for Wales is a review of community service provision in Wales. The review team was chaired by Sir Jeremy Beecham. The following statement is excerpted from that report:
Para 6.30 – Leaders must create a culture that focuses on achieving results across organizational boundaries.
Article 6.56 – The search for citizen-centered solutions must include genuine open partnerships with the private and third sectors.
Para 6.58 – The third critical success factor is partnership. Partnerships are difficult and require an investment of time, resources and leadership, but they play a critical role in significantly improving services. To achieve this, the entire architecture of public services, and the culture, skills and behaviors of the people who work within them, must become more shareable and deliverable.
Article 6.59 – For partnerships to bring about real change, politicians need to be more willing to share sovereignty with other organizations.
Clause 6.62 – The aim must be to make local and regional partnerships work more routinely. By creating systems that fit together and are not sealed in silos.
Is it a coincidence that Sir Jeremy Beecham has been a trustee of the charity Common Purpose since 1989?
It is hard not to conclude that the Beecham review follows the blueprint outlined by the United Nations for changing the role of non-governmental organizations (the third sector) in “policy-making, decision-making and implementation.'' The Welsh Assembly Government responded to this review with a document entitled: Delivering services across boundaries: transforming public services in Wales It sets out the Parliamentary Government's program to drive transformation of public services in Wales.
In the next short film, Early: Sir Jeremy Beecham talks about leadership and the purpose of common purpose., Sir Jeremy talks about the importance of finding and securing leadership for the future. Expressing diverse opinions in leadership. (my emphasis)
evidence from uk
Mutual action, common purpose: Empowering the third sector. This report, published by the Fabian Society, also describes many of the structural changes outlined in the Beecham report. It will come as no surprise to readers that I point out that many of the individuals named in the acknowledgments section of this report are associated with an organization called Common Purpose.
beyond authority
In the following short video, Julia Middleton, CEO of Common Purpose, talks about her book. Beyond Authority: Leadership in a Changing World. Middleton argues that:
New leaders need to have the confidence to legitimize themselves and challenge old ways of doing things. They must develop a leadership style that allows them to lead beyond the traditional boundaries and constraints of the organization.
According to the United Nations, public, private, and third sector organizations working in local, national, and international partnerships must be well-educated on the Common Agenda (Agenda 21) and Local leaders are elected. A dedicated network will definitely be an essential element. Isn't this the leader's secret placement? Who is also a Common Purpose graduate and holds a powerful position within such an organization that would seem to fully meet this requirement?