What to do about the rising tyrannical World State? This is the central question of the freedom movement. How can individuals resist this malevolent trend in a practical way and expect tangible results?
The doctrine of the inferior magistrate (which I have covered previously in my UK column) may hold at least part of the answer, and perhaps a large part of it. This doctrine holds that if the highest level of human government breaks its oath of allegiance to God and the people, those with inferior administrative and judicial powers are not merely entitled, but bound by their oaths to resist that tyranny, in the exercise of what was then called the exercise of duty in Magna Carta. discriminationHonest citizens have equal rights and duties to organize against lower officials of the government.
Pastor Matt Truewella of Wisconsin (website: Rebel against the tyrant | YoutubeFresh from a speaking tour of Northern Ireland, Rev. Trewella explains in the video that nearly 500 years ago, brave Christians faced with a siege from the Holy Roman Emperor knew what they had to do and put into practice a doctrine that repeatedly drove the tyrants into a corner, forcing them to either show their teeth and reveal their oppressive true nature or back down and revoke the tyrannical measures that had been implemented or were about to be implemented. Rev. Trewella, who was jailed for a year and three months for preaching and protesting at industrial abortion clinics, provides a poignant explanation for this doctrine:
The details of this doctrine stem primarily from the statement of faith and natural law known as (Lutheranism). Magdeburg Confession 1550 (Trewela is Translated from German And he Wrote a bookThe 800-year-old Magna Carta, with its references to ancient Rome, is the doctrine's fundamental philosophical touchstone in how citizens and the state (whether monarchical, democratic or republican) should relate to each other. In Reformed Protestant theology, the state is only one of several God-given spheres of governance that should not intrude into those of others (particularly the family and the church). However, the doctrine of inferior magistrates is a common heritage to all historical Christian denominations, and Mentioned in the Old Testament.
We invite you to listen to this fascinating discussion that will challenge you as individuals to reexamine your own assumptions and perhaps prepare you to defend and expand human freedom in ways you never thought possible before.
The interview mentions the campaign against child sexual exploitation in Northern Ireland, which Hugh McCarthy, the state's longest serving headmaster, has written about in his UK column.