Author: Podcast News

On January 3, 2011, following a headline UK column exposing insider trading between the Cabinet Office and the political behavior training charity Common Purpose, The Independent reported that Prime Minister David Cameron also announced that the Cabinet Office It was announced that an insight team had been established. The secret organization, formed in July last year, has been tasked with the massive task of “developing psychological tricks to change our behavior”.of independent The article warned about how the population could be reconfigured, or “forced,” into politically acceptable “social norms,” ​​starting with healthy eating, volunteering, and paying taxes. While this may…

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Complaints about Judge Irwin's conduct of the trial Juror fell asleep during trial Police leave court and make secret cell phone call Court officials prohibited from entering public areas Police condemn those involved as 'extremists' Children's service activities remain hidden Martin Smith's trial took place at Manchester Crown Court and lasted eight days. Presided over by Judge Irwin, the jury found Smith guilty of 11 charges, including rape, attempted rape, indecency with a child and indecent assault. Although a verdict has not yet been handed down, to the British media and millions of people in the UK and around the…

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Relief policy In 2008, then-Prime Minister Gordon Brown positioned himself as the “World Chancellor” and presented the story of a global bailout at the G20 meeting. Brown organized the cooperation of 19 other countries to deliver a policy that had only one outcome. Gordon Brown is not a stupid man. He knew exactly what he was doing, just as he did when he gave the Bank of England “independence” in 1998 and when he sold the country's gold at a bargain price. Brown's role at the G20 conference was to impose the Rothschild agenda of destroying nation states through the…

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In July 2008, there was an interesting exchange between Sir Peter Tapsell and Gordon Brown during the Prime Minister's Questions.Mr. Tapsell asked. “This honorable gentleman's dark message to this country will continue for years to come as he and his successors, at Prime Minister's Questions, pay their condolences to the brave gentlemen and women who have gone before them. Should we understand this as representing the Taliban?'' The Taliban are not international terrorists, they are now primarily…Pakistan, Iraq, Britain. ” Brown replied: “Gentleman, uh, let's get the Secretary of Defense on a trip to Afghanistan and see it for himself.…

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Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832), the British utilitarian and philosopher, “attended but did not vote” at the University of London's Council of Intellectuals more than a century after his death. Known as the 'Auto Icon', his embalmed body still lies in a glass case at UCL. The head is made of wax, but the real one is brought out at the ceremonial banquet.The prodigy Bentham was a student of Blackstone at Oxford University. Historian GM Trevelyan says that Bentham, the father of English law reform, saw Blackstone as his nemesis, saying, “Blackstone stood in the way of change by teaching people to…

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The United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014), led by UNESCO, aims to develop the principles, values ​​and practices of sustainable development to address socio-economic issues. We aim to integrate it into all aspects of teaching and learning. Cultural and environmental issues facing us in the 21st century – UNESCO Education for Sustainable DevelopmentJohn Rawlings Rees, Tavistock Institute, Brainwashing, Propaganda, 5th Columnist Travel back in time to the 1940s and you'll find a chilling quote from John Rawlings Rees, president of the Tavistock Institute and World Federation for Mental Health, in 1948. Summary of speech given at the…

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In our One World Governance series of articles, we have recently focused on the role of partnerships in new systems of global governance.visit to UK Treasury website let readers know that A public-private partnership (PPP) is an arrangement that represents collaboration between the public and private sectors. In its broadest sense, PPP can cover any type of collaboration across the interface between the public and private sectors to deliver policies, services and infrastructure. When the delivery of public services involves private investment in infrastructure, the most common form of PPP is a Private Finance Initiative (PFI). of partnership uk the…

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I have received many emails from readers of my article series “One World Governance – A Common Purpose”. Several readers have noted that they find it difficult to visualize the relationships between the various organizations that advance the UN Global Agenda.Analysis of currently available information shows that the boundaries between governments, local authorities, national and international businesses, the third sector (charities and other NGOs), and the general public are intentionally It is thought that this has become ambiguous due to the recent remodeling. our society. Two of the consequences of shaping policy and delivering and monitoring public services through a…

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Remember this? A small portion of media coverage, primarily postings on online bulletin boards, blogs, and websites, have made highly offensive and false claims about Common Purpose. – Sir David Bell, Director of Human Resources, Pearson plc and Chairman of the Board of Common Purpose International Despite the large amount of evidence I have already presented regarding the organization Common Purpose, one problem is becoming increasingly apparent. The British media generally fails to inform the British public about its activities, and it also fails to educate its readers about its activities. Relationship with the United Nations Agenda 21 Program. The…

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Above all, Maud pinned her personal and political colors to the pillar of government transparency. he recently said Transparency is at the heart of the government's plans, which is why the Cabinet Office, the nerve center of government, is in the driver's seat. All departments are expected to publish their data in the coming weeks. The outpouring of honesty and generosity continues… We are pulling back the curtains to let light into the corridors of power. _ By being open and accountable, you can begin to regain people's trust. For those of us in government, being open is not comfortable.…

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