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Author: Podcast News
All citizens have the right to justice for their various needs, including victims of crimes, defendants accused of crimes, consumers in debt, children in need of care, or businessmen in commercial disputes. has. Our aim is to ensure that access is provided as quickly and at the lowest cost as possible, in line with open justice, and that the public has greater trust and respect for the justice system. Her Majesty's Royal Service says so. Except everything is a lie, especially when it comes to family and children. Yes, the family will have access, but no, they will not receive…
China-based Shenzhen Huashi Future Parking Equipment proposed developing an over-the-road bus that cars could drive underneath. The giant bus could carry 1,200-1,400 passengers at a time. Passengers could board and disembark using an over-the-road terminal, allowing traffic to continue underneath the bus while it is parked. Another option would be for passengers to board using a ladder built into the bus. The company proposes two ways to operate buses safely: by installing rails on both sides of the lane, or by painting white lines on both sides of the bus and using autopilot technology. The rail method is preferred as…
Setting aside the even more ridiculous “reducing carbon emissions” excuses for running cars, taxis and buses on electricity, there is one clear benefit to electricity: clean air. Imagine how much nicer London and big cities would be without diesel exhaust fumes from taxis and buses. Some are imagining just that, as London recently debuted two hydrogen fuel cell-powered taxis, soon to be followed by five hydrogen fuel cell buses. Not wanting to miss the bus, so to speak, Honda has decided to bring the FCX Clarity to the UK. Powered by a hydrogen fuel cell, it is the first car…
Despite the available evidence, there are those who still propagate the belief that discussions about establishing world governance are just one of many conspiracy theories that are corrupting our society. For those skeptics, click on the link below to listen to Tory Ann Milton MP, Minister of Public Health, speak on “Public Health: New Directions.” She says public health is a key priority for the Coalition Government. In summary, she told the audience that too much alcohol, too much tobacco, too much food, and not enough exercise are creating a “perfect storm of ill health and inequality.” She claims: Stepping…
“It has emerged that giant wind turbines, with blade widths far exceeding those of the London Eye, could be the future of green electricity.”Recently, several so-called newspapers in our country each published the same press release making this declaration. Based on 9th century technology, this massive technological marvel is over 500 feet tall and 475 feet in diameter and is due to appear on a shoreline near you within the next two years. The question that immediately comes to mind is, just how much power will these monsters generate? The answer is quite disappointing: 10 megawatts each. However, wind turbines…
Communitarianism is a political system that gives power over individuals to unelected community “stakeholder” councils. A stakeholder is defined as a “group, individual, organization, or system” and can be anyone or anything. This term can be found used in almost every government and grant-funded project in existence today…forming partnerships with stakeholders avoids voters and taxpayers. It's an effective method – Niki Rapana, Our Common Community.Does the following excerpt from Maryette Ables' excellent article suggest areas in which “alumni” of the international leadership organization Common Purpose might be found? Every community has one or more such NGOs (non-governmental organizations). They are…
Americans have more in common with British people than many people realize. A very quiet and identical revolution is underway on both sides of the Atlantic. Commoners from Alaska to London face off against the same enemy with the same name. What unites them above all else is the simple fact that neither side knows what exactly the enemy is called.It's not hard to notice that there are cameras on every street corner. Parents may still need individual retraining, but all school-age children are being taught new responsibilities and requirements. We cannot ignore our government's new and very serious concerns…
We must keep asking what is this unhealthy and alarming obsession that the power elite has with sex and children? Is high-level pedophilia spreading fast enough around the world that it should be a government/national policy? Young children are not interested in sex, but where does this obsession to make them sexually conscious at such a young age come from? This is the result of the planned implementation below. Every child matters/Changing children, the role of teachers in changing contexts, global dimensions in school curriculum, global citizenship, the United Nations, the European Union and the upcoming One World Order. Last…
There is little doubt which word won the award for most important adjective in 2009. This was a year in which “global” eclipsed the rest of the political vocabulary. There was a “global crisis” and a “global challenge”, and the only possible solution lay in a “global solution”, which required a “global agreement”.[These global agreements]once held what were considered the most fundamental principles of modern democracy: that elected governments are responsible to their people; Will it dispel the idea that it derives from voter consent? There will be no place to run from the New World Government. – Janet DalyIf…
The author makes one fundamental mistake, through no fault of his own, which is the same mistake that almost all modern economic commentators make when discussing economics: they assume that economic value and monetary value are the same thing.The authors of the Register article start with a graph (below). Production Index The author of the Register article wrote:This is called the Production Index, and it's a graph of UK manufacturing output since just after the Second World War. It's an index, with 100 defined as the level of production in 2005. As you can see, our production is 2.5 times…